Help!! These dry protein shake mixes are gross,gloppy, and like mud.

I am taking protein shakes pre-op(Ease AdvantEdge whey and soy protein mixes and Carb Solutions) to try and get metabolism going before surgery, and to try to lose some weight if possible. I have tried making them with warm h2o, mixing in a little at a time or adding ice cubes and shaking. They are still clumpy at the top of the shake, or the shake is watery on top and like mud in the bottom of the glass. Do you have to mix these with a blender, or is there a better brand that mixes up by shaking that I should try. (I really would like a shake that mixes better. I am not interested in taste, as they all taste pretty bad and I can handle that o.k.) Thanks a ton for all of your help!    — bufordslipstick (posted on July 20, 2003)

July 20, 2003
Hi, Rebecca I would advise you to mix them up in a blender to get the clumps out and make sure that you add enough water or milk whatever you use in with the protein cuz otherwise that will make it lumpy too. You could also try buying the pre mixed protein drink like from adkins or some other brand but I believe they are alittle more expensive to buy that way. I personnaly can't tolerate any of the protein shakes or bars they make me to sick!,and I dump on them too, so I just try and get my protein in by the food I eat and my doc said that was okay. Good Luck to You!
   — Melodee S.

July 20, 2003
There is much controversy over whether protien suppliments are even necessary and my surgeon says not to use them. However, I see many post ops who don't use them that have that ghostly look about them, and the one's that do use them seem to look radiant and have less plateaus. I am using them to avoid losing my hair and looking old and ghostly. I like the pro-score 100 (ordered from Vitalady) or the carb solutions, but you MUST mix in a blender or with a hand mixer to get the powdery clumps out. I am one of the fortunate ones that doesn't mind the smell or taste of any of them and I don't dump on them (they are low carb/sugar too). Just be careful what brand you buy so you're you're not getting a lot of "weight gainer" carbs. I hope this helps.
   — Happy I.

July 20, 2003
You can find Carb Solutions premixed (in 10 oz bottles) at Target or Walmart; they're much more palatable (IMHO) than when mixing the powder myself. (Of course, they're more expensive, as well.) It took a while for me to find shakes that I could tolerate. Try looking at Smoothie King / Smoothie Factory, sometimes they'll carry drinks like ZOIC (120 cal, 21 grams protein, 4 grams of carbohydrate), or VHT Extreme Smoothies (170 calories, 35 grams protein, 5 grams of carbohydrates). One more suggestion is Isopure Vanilla; it mixes okay with water, and isn't like drinking mud. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 20, 2003
I'm one of the non-ghostly looking protein drinkers. I have one EVERY morning. I am TOTALLY radiant! ;)
   — Ginger M.

July 20, 2003
I use the Nectar Caribbean Cooler protein shake mix and it mixes very well with cold water and ice. I have a jar of it at work - I take my sports bottle to the vending machine room where our fridge it, put about 5 ice cubes in there along with 8 oz of water from the water fountain. When I get back to my desk, I add the Nectar powder, put the lid on and shake for about 20 seconds and no clumps anywhere...JR
   — John Rushton

July 20, 2003
I use Real Meals in a shaker bottle and it takes all of about 20 seconds and I really never get any lumps. If I am being a bit more creative and adding fruit or something else then I use the blender.
   — Carol S.

July 20, 2003
Hi~I use the American Whey protein mix in the vanilla cream flavor. It is delicious. There is trick to mixing up the protein mixes in the blender to keep the lumps out that my sister taught me. Just have your liquid whirring away in your blender BEFORE you put your powder in, then add your powder in while the blender is going SLOWLY. I find that takes all the lumpiness and muddiness away from the mix. American Whey Vanilla Cream has stevia and all natural fructose as sweeteners in it. No aspartame/nutrasweet or splenda. I am allergic to aspartame and don't get along too well with splenda either. The American Whey Vanilla Cream has less than .5gm of fat, 0 cholesterol, a trace of sodium, 6gm total carbs(1gm sugar), 20gm protein(in 1 scoop which you use for 8 oz), 25mg digestive enzyme blend(bromelain, papain, protease, peptizyme). It has 104 calories in 1 scoop that you would use for 8 oz. 1 scoop equals 4 tablespoons. I use 2 tablespoons for 4 oz of skim milk, but it can be mixed with water or fruit juice also. I am thinking of adding some peanut butter to it for a type of peanut butter milk shake which I used to love. I have not dumped once or ever felt bad on this yet. Good luck with your surgery. Remember, your tastes and your pouches sensitivities will change after surgery!! You may dump on something that does not bother you now.~Lise
   — Lise W.

July 20, 2003
I used Body Fortress whey protein-chocolate. I bought it at Vitamin World. It was the only non gritty powder I found. I mixed 2 scoops with 10 oz. skim milk and shook it in a Tupperware shaker. That gave me 34g protein, with no lumps. It tastes ok but the smell of it until I shook it was a little strange. If you want a pre mixed one, try the Atkins Advantage cans, Chocolate Royale. Good luck!
   — Fixnmyself

July 20, 2003
Pro Score 100 chocolate (I get from Vitalady) mixes really well, and quickly. It does not separate either. I don't use a blender, but a "shaker" with this recipe...1.5 scoops of the protein powder, fill the shaker with 12 oz. water, and 3-4 ice cubes, and shake about 20 times. It's really cool, delicious, and actually very refreshing, provides 24 grams of protein, with no after taste. I've tried a bunch of these powders (I'm almost 15 months out), and this one seems to be the best so far. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 20, 2003
I use MetRx with water and 1/2 cup frozen unsweetened berries. It makes it thick like a milkshake. I mix them in my Vitamix (blender) and they are GREAT. I'm pre-op and having been using them for breakfast.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 20, 2003
Do they say "MRP" or meal replacement on the label anywhere? The MRP's are mega-thick and slimy is a good word. The good whey proteins are not slimy and most are thin enough to shake up in 4 oz of water. I like ProScore 100 choc (like there is any other flavor) + 8 oz water + ice. I use a hand blender. I have shaken it, but I LIKE the lil crunchy ices in it. When I'm running about, I use Pure Whey Stack choc (goes without saying). I can shake that up in water. IF I can find ice, I prefer to pour it over ice, of course, but it's doable with car-warmed bottle water in a pinch. They don't HAVE to taste bad, either. I ADORE my PS100!
   — vitalady

July 20, 2003
FYI Eas advantage Edge has a premixed one that is good and is sold in the four pack in different flavors for about 5.86 at Walmart. These are the ones I use. Very convenient.
   — Delores S.

July 21, 2003
I recently bought Myoplex, ready to drink, from GNC. I wanted to try it premixed before I spent a lot of money on powder. The lady at GNC told me if you don't like what you buy there, you can return it for a refund. I have strawberry cream and when I drink it very cold I find it to be tasty.
   — Charlotte G.

July 21, 2003
I use Muscle Milk 32g protein, 162 calories. Use a blender with about 4 oz water, I add 5 ice cubes, 1 teaspoon of Splenda and about 2 tablespoons of sugar free banana pudding (your favorite flavor). Works great with any shake mix. If you like fruit substitute s/f jello for pudding.
   — Melanie H.

July 22, 2003
Sorry, but the reason you're hating protein shakes is that the ones you're trying are crap. :-) Go to and look at (and order) some samples. In particular, ProScore 100 chocolate seems to be a favorite with many, I love the Sci-Fit strawberry, and most people seem to really like at least one of the three Nectar flavors. Try some REAL shakes, the whey protein ones that do easily shake up with water, and let us know what you think. :-)
   — Julia Z.

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