Assistance Needed.. Starting The 'Protein Shake' Diet Pre Op

I am about 45 days from surgery, and want to start the protein shake diet early. My nutritionist didn't have a problem with me doing it, but I am having a hard time getting and staying going. The most I have been able to do has been 2 shakes in a day, then regular food (because I a STARVING!)... any words of wisdom out there?    — Tim W. (posted on May 27, 2003)

May 27, 2003
My suggestion would be to have 3-4 shakes per day, 30g of protein each. The first would be FIRST thing as soon as you can handle it. Many of us can't do bfast but can do something an hour or two later. I am one. So, perhaps drink it in the car on the way to work if you can't do it sooner. One of them about mid-day--whenever the mid-day sleepies hit you. One about 15-20 min before lunch and another 15-20 min before dinner. That blunts your appetite so you eat a little less volume. As for the meals, then do 2-3 SENSIBLE meals per day. You know what sensible is, and I know it never worked for us, but now you're on a count-down, so "working" is only a relative term. Your body will thank you for the protein load. If you accidentally knock off 5-6#, your liver (& surgeon) will thank you.
   — vitalady

May 28, 2003
Tim, I'm post op 12 months and didn't do the protein shakes pre-op, how-ever I have a mo sister, that's totally against the surgery, she's about 5'8 and weighs 350, she started doing shakes the myoplex shakes in the can, she's been doing that for about 1 month now and has dropped 20 pounds, it's awesome, I'm not sure where she gets the will power cause before hand pre-op, I don't think I could have done that, but more power to her. I never even tried a protein shake pre-op, I hate the thought of anything healthy... Hee hee hee, no it's just the opposit, my tastes have changed. What she does is she incorporated into her meals, rather then supplmenting them, and eats only have her meal, that way she doesn't feel like she's starving. It's working for her, I know on some days when she over does it at dinner time, (calorie and fat wise) she'll just have a protein shake rather then an actual meal,.. She's been doing awesome, and I wish her all the luck.
   — tannedtigress

May 28, 2003
Tim, who says you have to do more than 2 shakes? Some people do on their own, and some nutritionists recommend it, but their is no set rule to it. Many distals also have to do more protein than a proximal, so they can/have to do like 4 shakes plus food. Really all depends. I only do one protein drink (40grams) and protein bar plus food. ANd very early pre-op, I doubt you'll even get the full 2 shakes, it takes time to adjust and be able to. But for the liquid stage, we're allowed to do other liquids, ie. soups, oatmeal, yogurt, SF jellos, puddings, etc., not just protein shakes. Do what you're able to. Eventually, you will have to reach a minimum of 60grams protein, but early post-op its harder to, but you also probably won't feel as starving since your body will have changed. Goodluck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 28, 2003
Enjoy your food now don't worry about the shakes until you are post op. I have a friend whose docctor told her to start her shakes before surgery. She loved them, so she bought a lot of supplies. After surgery her taste buds changed and she can't even stomach them. Eat while you can!
   — Kimmie C.

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