Do I wait and risk having to start all over or find a new surgeon now?

I'm devastated. My surgeon's office just called to reschedule my surgery for the 3rd time. This time its because the hospital where he has privileges is reviewing it's bariatric surgery program and has canceled all surgeries for the month of May. Also, while my surgery has been rescheduled for June 24 (from April 7, May 18 and May 23) they can't even say for sure whether bariatric surgery will resume at that hospital. I've kept the date but asked my PCP to find another surgeon for me just in case. Help!    — Patti S. (posted on May 2, 2003)

May 2, 2003
I would keep the surgery date but start the process of finding the new surgeon and all the paperwork that goes with it. Whoever can guarantee a surgery date first WINS :-)
   — SJP

May 2, 2003
I'd be concerned about a hospital that is reviewing their bariatric program as it would indicate to me there are some problems. It cannot be because it is not profitable as they get paid for every little thing they use on you. <p>I'd find another surgeon who works with a hospital with a very strong bariatric program. The hospital I had mine at is growing their program as it's been quite successful for serves a real need for this area of the state.
   — zoedogcbr

May 2, 2003
Like the previous poster, I would be cautious about a hospital that is suspending their program - it sounds as if their is either a problem with the hospital or with the surgeon. Keep the date, but look around for a new surgeon. It's easy enough to transfer the insurance coverage - the hassle is finding a good surgeon without a long wait. Too bad you aren't in Texas - I could recommend a terrific surgeon who usually schedules surgery within a month of getting insurance approval. I had my initial consultation on October 30 and had surgery on November 29 - that's fast as I didn't have insurance approval at the time of the consult. Good luck.
   — Patty_Butler

May 3, 2003
I'll bet any good surgeon (even one with a waiting list) will accept your APPROVED insurance with the test results and may even move you into a cancelled spot. I would keep the date and start searching for a new doctor and hospital. They are not cancelling for no reason. It may be a sign. The only reason a hospital would cancel the service is because it is costing them more than they are making. Which means law, they aint doing it right. Consider this a blessing they may be saving your life. Research your Dr's history with this proceedure and the hospital's history. This is not something I would leave up to my PCP I would look on my own also. My approval is good for 6 months... How much time do you have left. Try calling your insurance company and asking them about your options. These folks are doing more than postponing your surgery they are wasting time that you may not get back. Insurance companies don't like paying for this proceedure in the first place they may not agree to pay if the time runs out. This is my personal opinion I have no medical or insurance background.... just common sense.
   — Ron T.

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