Multiple dilations or Am I Supposed to Feel Everything I Eat and Drink?

I had an endoscopy/dilation at 13 weeks (2 weeks ago). I was having a lot of trouble keeping food down. I'm not at that point again but everything goes down hard. I'm trying to figure out if I need another dilation but I've not felt "normal" for so long that I don't know how food "feels" or is supposed to feel. I thought I was doing okay the first week after the endoscopy but now I'm not so sure. I'm not really throwing up yet (like I was the first time) but I'm still not terribly comfortable eating.    — susanje (posted on April 23, 2003)

April 23, 2003
I have a hard time too, but never had a dilation. I do have a small stoma, on purpose. I am 7.5 months out and it is finally getting easier to eat, although at least once a day I FEEL every bite. Only now, sometimes, I feel like I can eat without any pain or gas. That used to be the way it felt EVERTIME I ate.
   — Kristy J.

April 23, 2003
I know exactly what you mean. I am 13 months PO and have had dilations, endoscopies, upper GI's, lower GI's, you name it. After the endoscopies tho it would feel like I could eat better, like just the scope opened me. Anyway, I do feel every bite of food, usually in my chest tho. Sometimes air is trying to come up and food trying to go down and OUCH!! I battle this by drinking a lot before I eat, keep that stoma open, I eat every few hours, keep that stoma OPEN, and if I do not eat and drink...ouch stoma closes :) Also, I DO NOT drink anything when I eat, that seems to try to push it down faster and make it hurt. I found that cold water and hot liquids are the two best things to drink before eating. Maybe it relaxes those muscles? I have no idea. I have gotten used to it tho, and you will too. Read my profile and you will know, you can get used to just about anything. **13 mths PO, -200lbs, crt wgt 120lbs**
   — smedley200

April 24, 2003
Whenever I had problems with eating I would go back to clear liquid for 3 days Then liquid then puree then solid I t always helped my pouch to feel better. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

April 25, 2003
I had the same problem as you at the same amount of time post op. I was diagnosed with a stricture that had to be dilated. Afterwards I was prescribed prevacid. I took it for about 2 weeks and then stopped. A month later I had to have dilation because the stricture returned. At that point the doctor told me that I was never supposed to stop taking the prevacid and that's why my stricture returned. I have to take it for the rest of my life he said. I wasn't happy to hear that but what are you going to do? It better than being in all the pain I was in. So a small price that I am willing to pay.
   — aprilbaree

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