Has Anyone Experienced Jaundice Since Surgery????

Hello everyone...I'm 5 weeks post op and have noticed the past couple days that the whites of both eyes are yellow,and seem to have tiny jelly like bumps on both eyes. While in the hospital they discovered I have Diabetes and gave me insulin while there but didn't put me on anything after leaving.. I have also noticed my eyes have went downhill A LOT in the past six months. Went from 20/20 to not being able to read a thing unless I have glasses on...which could be old age too :o) Another thing that concerns me is the fact that my surgeon had an awful time with my surgery due to my extremely large liver. I called my Dr today and was told it was probably nothing but they will talk to me about it at my appointment this coming friday. Has anyone had this problem? Thanks in advance :o) :o) :o) :o) Josii*    — meltedbuttr (posted on April 1, 2003)

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