Has anyone used either of these post-op?

I know that Aloe Vera juice was recommended to a friend that was suffering from intestinal difficutly and she had great results and uses it daily. It's very good for healing cuts, etc. If you could keep it down, it seems that this might be good for the healing process of the pouch. Anyone tried it or used it? I plan to and have bought it and placed it in the frig on hand. Also, I have used Colloidal Minerals in past and have some on hand now. Has anyone tried these and what brand etc?    — JC C. (posted on March 24, 2003)

March 24, 2003
i used this last year when I had a takedown of an old intestinal bypass surgery and bowel resection (from obstruction) and it was great. I stopped having intestinal pain the first dose I took, I continued tio drink it daily for about a month and all was well.
   — Delores S.

March 24, 2003
I plan on using Aloe Vera and colloidal minerals also after surgery. I will be taking "Ultimate Aloe" brand because it has 50% more active ingredients than the typical aloe vera. You'll also want to watch the sugar content because not all aloe vera juices are alike. As for minerals, I will continue taking "Isotonix" brand because of the high absorption. Good luck to you!!
   — Patti S.

March 25, 2003
Hi Jenny, I have been using Collidial Silver for about a year's been helping a lot with my chronic sinusitis & the plus side is it makes me feel generally better overall. I use Utopia Silver: It's a great quality..and I wouldn't be without it...I plan on taking it after surgery as well. Good luck!
   — Rita G.

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