I have a small breathing issue....

I got the flu and laryngitis a couple of weeks ago - completly lost my voice.. but ever since I've gotten it back, I've had a breathing issue..sort of a shortness of breath while breathing in deeply or after eating - it makes me cough for a minute or so... do you think that this could be something serious? Or just my lungs getting over that flu bug .. plus I haven't smoked in 3 months - so this was the first FLU that I didn't end up with broncitis(sp?) too...or maybe this is a slight bronchitis deal.. just wondering if I should call the doc or not about this... what do you guys think? I have no fever, no symptoms of anything and basically feel great really other than a piece of chicken stuck in my pouch from last night - ha! That will pass!!! Evenually!!    — Tammy T. (posted on February 19, 2003)

February 19, 2003
tammy, It might have to do with the quiting smoking. When I quit 6 yrs ago, I had a few breathing problems too, coughed more than I did when I smoked. Our lungs need to clean themselves out. But, anything that concerns you, you should call your Dr about, if nothing else but for peace of mind. Good Luck :-) pre-op-(April 1, 2003)
   — KellyJeanB

February 19, 2003
Asthma sufferer here! I think you should give your doc a call. Why suffer if he can prescribe something to help with the symptoms? A good inhaler like Proventil or some treatments on a nebulizer machine would do you wonders right now. Feel better soon.
   — thumpiez

May 2, 2005
I have the same problem! My doctor can't figure out what is causing it. I've had all the lung tests and they all come back normal! I'm not sure what to do now.
   — tibberkat

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