Anatomically Speaking, Where is Everything Post Op?

I had some random pains yesterday (5 weeks postop) after eating and was wondering how to figure out where the pain is coming from (pouch, stoma, small intestine etc) and what it means (what I did wrong while eating). What is located to the left of my belly button? Right above that? What below that? What is right under my diaphram? If my lower belly gets hard and bloated, can I assume that is gas and if it is higher can I assume I have not chewed properly, eaten too fast, eaten the wrong food or overeaten? Just trying to get used to my new plumbing. :) Thanks!    — susanje (posted on February 12, 2003)

February 12, 2003
At your next check up with the surgeon, ask him/her to show you where all the parts are by pointing to the appropriate parts on your body. I know that the spot between the rib cage just below the breasts is where the pouch is. I was amazed to find out it was so high up!
   — Cindy R.

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