I am 4 days post op, have a few general questions.

I got out of the hospital yesterday, after 3 days in. When can I/ should I be able to lay on my side? All this back sleeping is making me ache, and its not my normal positition. Also, when might I be able to resume a normal sleep schedule? I nap off and on and am up off and on. In general pretty groggy. When should I expect to feel more comfy and no more pain associated with movement? I know there are general, but I wanted to put them all together and see what all of you have to say! THANKS!    — Jennifer F. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
Hi Jennifer! Congrats on your surgery! As a side and stomach sleeper, I know what you mean! I had surgery on the 7th and I was on my back for almost 2 weeks and I just started on my side this past week but need a pillow between my legs and still to be propped up on pillows under my head. I could only sleep 3-4 hours at a time for the first 2 weeks but now I am sleeping about 6 hours straight. It's getting better every day.
   — susanje

January 26, 2003
It took me about a week or ten days before the soreness went away enough it didn't bother me any more. You'll be able to lay on your side soon.
   — Darlene P.

January 26, 2003
Hi, Jennifer. I am 2 1/2 months post op and down 75 lbs. I know for the first two weeks I had a lot of pain and couldn't fully stand up straight. I slept in my bedroom recliner for those two weeks. I would just keep trying every few days to crawl into my bed. It hurt to lay on my side. By three or four weeks I was back in my bed. Listen to your body. If you are napping you NEED to be napping. Take it easy for a few weeks. I dozed off and on those first two weeks. I would go to bed at 9 every night and sleep until 8. I was fortunate, I didn't have to go back to work for 6 weeks. It takes quite a long time for all that anesthesia to leave your body. I stopped using pain meds after two weeks. But everyone is SO different. Use your pain meds if you need them. Don't rush things. Just know it gets better with each day. Remember: Listen to your body. Good advice for the future too. ;) Good luck to you.
   — Ginger M.

January 26, 2003
Do you have a Jackson-Pratt drain in? If so, you will not be able to sleep on that side until the drain is removed - typically at 2-3 weeks post-op. I had J-P drains on both sides, so I had no choice but to sleep on my back. Luckily with sleep apnea, I had to learn to sleep on my back since I can't sleep on my belly with the mask on...JR
   — John Rushton

January 26, 2003
Like the previous posters.... two weeks and i was off the pain meds and could sleep anyway I wanted. It happened suddenly at the two week mark. 3 and a half months out and down 74lbs. Good luck to you
   — Steve B.

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