What do you do when you can't stop lossing weight?

   — AB B. (posted on December 19, 2002)

December 19, 2002
I would definetely call your surgeon, this is his speciality. You do realize as much as you personally dont want to loose more others would realy love to have this problem? I suspect nearly all of us would still like to loose a bit more. How many calories a day are you eating? Try keeping a food diary and call your nutronist. Lets us knoiw what happens I am real curious. This does prove even post ops at goal can loose more. If you dont dump you might add some carbs, One pound is 3,500 calories so add this much in a given time span and gain a pound.
   — bob-haller

December 19, 2002
Are you certain your scale is accurate? Move where it sits?
   — bob-haller

December 19, 2002
Whew, Alice -- I certainly don't hate you for losing weight, I feel scared for you! That seems so fast for unexplained weight loss at 14 months out. Your pcp knows better that I would, but I hope they've checked your thyroid function, too. Maybe a second opinion, from your bariatric surgeon or another doctor, would help in terms of deciding what tests to run. And Bob's suggestion on keeping a detailed food diary for reference seems like a good idea, too. Please let everybody know how you're doing and what they find out!
   — Suzy C.

December 19, 2002
Have you tried reversing the pouch rules? Drink with meals. Eat more refined carbs (stuff w/ white flour). Graze. Reduce excercize. My weight was steady for about 3 months, then picked up again around 15 months, but for me this was a good thing since I had a bit more to lose. Try reversing the rules though and see if it slows down. Did they check your thyroid?
   — mom2jtx3

December 19, 2002
Same thing happened to me. I just started to eat more often and didn't restrict myself to certain types of food. I ate whatever I wanted. My weight has now stabilized and I've put on 3 pounds. As long as I stay under 130 and can still fit in all of my new clothes comfortably, I'm content.
   — Patty H.

December 19, 2002
Alice,were you doing anything differently with your diet just prior to this sudden loss that differs from what you had been eating during your maintenance stage? Losing so much so rapidly is not normal at your stage at all. I would definitely let your surgeon know. I agree with the other posters that say to continue eating, and reverse the pouch rules. Eat high calorie foods and graze. And talk to your surgeon.
   — Cindy R.

December 19, 2002
Hi! I am 14 months post op. I too lost in my 3th month. I was surprised yet scared as well. I have started eating high protein snacks in between my 3 meals a day. I seem to be stable for the moment. I exercise too, but not every day. Thanks for posting this, I have wanted to find someone that had the same problem but did not know how to approach this subject. Good Luck, and just add an extra small meal or protein. Lana
   — Lana H.

December 19, 2002
I also shot on past goal about 14-15 months out. It stops, but it just takes awhile to stabilize. You did not say how much protein supplement you're taking or how you are nutritoinally laid out right now. From your phrasing, I'm guessing you did not get copies of your labs back to pre-op days and compare them yourself? You might want to do that, and see if anything jumps off the page at you. The docs look for "in range/out of range". We tend to go over them with a fine toothed comb. Many who are only low in protein (not deficient) have lost so much muscle that it's hard to put the brakes on (for others, they just can't get the rest OFF). If you are working out, has someone told you when it's best to use your protein supplement? Before? After? Before Bed? For b-fast? All 4?
   — vitalady

December 19, 2002
I'm starting to worry about the same thing, I'm now only 9.5 months post-op and only 15 lbs from my ultimate goal of 135 lbs for 5"7", the thing is my weight loss is not even slowing down and I'm eating all the time my Doc even told me to add sweets to my diet (I'm a DS patient so I don't dump) he did mention that he would give me some enzymes if it didn't slow down soon, maybe you can ask your doctor about enzymes?? I'm not even sure what they are.. PS I'm still happy with my decision and I still feel great in my new bod, just a little amazed that I can eat the way I do and still loose weight.....Best of Luck to you...Diane
   — Diane B.

December 19, 2002
Hmmmm. Personally instead of eating more (and possibly stretching the pouch) I would drink some high calorie liquids. Perhaps a milk shake, regular pop, juices. And then watch your weight carefully. You don't want to gain alot (I assume) but perhaps this will keep your weight from dropping. I sure wish I had your problem. I want to weight 129 which is about mid range on normal. I'm still on the overweight and can't seem to get to a Normal BMI). Sigh, you don't know how lucky you are. ;) Yet I understand that it must to frightning to lose at this point and get to low. Good luck.
   — Danmark

December 19, 2002
I have the same problem, but because of a second surgery. I met with my nutritionist because I did not want to weigh 120 lbs. Her advice was to eat more frequent meals, to stick with protien first rule, but to just eat more often. By eating more often, and not more in one are not stretching your pouch. She also said not to eat high calorie foods, such as sweets and fats, all that will do is create problems. I have been eating more protien foods, I always have a bag of nuts on me. But I'm nuts and its fitting. I feel like I am constantly eating, but It did stop the loss. I went for a couple days a few weeks ago where I didnt constantly eat and lost 5 pounds. I am unable to regain it, but am not losing now. I would definately talk to a nutritionist, they will give you a detailed meal plan and discuss your issues and concerns.
   — RebeccaP

December 19, 2002
first off you should always consult your Dr/surgeon on a matter such as this. You may want to increase the amount of carbs you eat, this may help with gaining some weight or atleast plateauing
   — Michelle M.

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