Is age a determining factor in qualifying for surgery....I am 64.

Have no heart disease (yet)..Do have high BP, both knees replaced, high cholesterol, sleep apenea (CPAP) history of heart disease, dibetes,...Hope to hear from anyone 60+ who has had surgery....    — Barbara H. (posted on December 18, 2002)

December 18, 2002
My mom had the surgery in August 02 and she is 63. She had it done lap. she had hpb, 1knee replaced, high cholostorol. she did have to stay a couple extra days in the hospital because of some blood loss but other that that she has been fine. Down 57lbs today and has not take blood pres. meds since the day of surgery. She said she feels great although she has back problems that keep her from walking much. Hopefully as more weight comes off she will feel like walking again. I had the surgery in April and am down 115 lbs. If you would like to talk to my mom more email me and I will email her your address. rk
   — Robin B.

December 18, 2002
It all depends on the doc. Mine does not put any age restrictions on his patients, young or old.
   — MARSHA D.

December 18, 2002
My surgeon does folks up to around 70. The BIG issue you have to be healthy enough to survive surgery. Pre op testing is intensive for your age group. I know someone around your age who had WLS several months ago. They are doing GREAT!
   — bob-haller

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