How do you deal with irritability

Im almost 7 weeks out and am really grouchy. Im doing ok on my protien,water and exercise too (Curves) Eating food is still pretty well touch and go. Im just ready to bite anyone's head off for close to nothing. I have a pretty high stress job (Im a contractor) and am afraid Im going to say the wrong thing to a customer. Could this be hormonal? How are any of you guys handling it? Better yet, when does it get better? Its worse than any PMS Ive ever had. Thanks you guys ya'll are great!! Marilayne    — Marilayne M. (posted on December 14, 2002)

December 14, 2002
Hi there, I have no answer but hope that you get some good ones. I am 7 weeks out and my family avoids me like crazy. I am the grouchiest person in the world. I will snap your head off before you even finish your sentence! I thought it was just me. Hopefully this soon will pass. Good luck to you. Toni
   — Toni T.

December 14, 2002
HI! I am pre-op (Having surgery Dec. 17th) and I went through the same thing a few months back. I was mean and short with everybody I knew, and I couldn't figure out why. I am not the type of person to be that way, I am usually happy, jolly and easy-going. Finally, family and coworkers were getting on my nerves so bad that I felt I had to do something. I went to the doctor and he said that my symptoms were a sign of depression. I said, "WHAT?". I would have never thought I was depressed, just irritable. Well, he put me on Paxil and it took a while to work, but eventually I started feeling like myself again. Hope this helps.
   — Wendie G.

December 14, 2002
I hate to tell you this... I'm 3 months out and I'm WAY more irritable than I ever was as a pre-op - plus I had a hysterectomy back in 1995 so I don't even have the time-of-month affecting me. I get so short-tempered with our 9 yo, I'm ashamed. I have much less patience, both with my family and others. I sure hope it gets better!!
   — Kathy B.

December 14, 2002
whats with the crabbiness anyway? it took me a year to get the right antidepressents to work so that im a happy human bein hate to lose that again
   — christine S.

December 15, 2002
Heya hun.. im 5 weeks post-op and very grouchy my husband says i have turned into a real *itch.. bipolar.. so when i went to the doc.. he put me on a new med to try to help.. we are going to test it for a month and see how that goes.. so..maybe ya should see a doc if it really effects you..otherwise know that it will pass eventually..*huggles..and bb*
   — johanna F.

December 15, 2002
I have been feeling the same way & recently asked my doc about it. He said that estrogen is stored in fat & so when we are loosing large amounts of fat in a short period of time our hormones will be "whacked". He said that it may take up to two years post op for all of our hormone levels to even out as our weight stablizes. I know that I feel much better when I am exercising a lot, and other than that I just & keep my mouth shut-:) LOL...
   — Heather N.

December 15, 2002
It is normal at about the 1-2 month post-op mark to feel grouchy and in some cases, depressed, cry alot. It is the rush of hormones being released which is what happens when you lose weight so rapidly. Most of us just tough it out and get thru it. For some, they have to go and seek some short term release through medications from their doctors. There is no need to suffer. Go get some short term meds to help. I don't know when it ends, but for me, I was very emotional, cry for no reason, for the first 6 months or so-can't say that I have felt that for a while and I am 10 months post-op.
   — Cindy R.

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