Help!!! I am 23 days post-op and feel terrible most of the time. My stomach hurts

most of the time. The slower I drink the longer the pain last. My stomach hurts when I eat. I have no appetite, but I force myself to eat and drink just so I won't get sick. My weight loss is slow. The only thing I can eat is cheese without feeling sick. I am on the pureed stage and chew the cheese til it is mush before i swallow. I need to go back to work right after Christmas but feel like I won't be ready. I also have some sharp pains deep inside under my incision, and I worry about getting a hernia. I work for a major retailer at the return desk. We will be super busy for at least 3 weeks after Christmas. Non stop refunds. Anything that people buy will be returned, from toothpaste to telivisions. I am so afraid my body won't let me do it. Of coarse I am depressed too. I have had 2 periods since surgery. I was so up before surgery and am so down now. I am thinking did I do the wrong thing? My depression got worse after seeing my Dr. for my 2 wk checkup. She was disapointed that I hadn't lost more weight. She told me to exersise more and drink slower. The slower I drink the more my stomach hurts. When I drink faster, I burp more often, but feel less pain. Any suggestions???    — obsessivekompulsive (posted on December 7, 2002)

December 7, 2002
I can Sympathize with you. I had my surgery 11-11-02 about the same as you. My stomach hurts when I eat too much of something more solid like eggs, after only about 4-5 bites. It is just your pouch gettting full. It was kind of misleading to me because I can eat more soups, or jello than eggs but I realized that the liquids are going right through the pouch allowing me to eat more. I can only eat about half an egg with cheese. If I try more it hurts and I feel like I have to burp but cannot for about 30 mins. IT SUCKED THE FIRST TIME but I figured it out quickly. Also try taking Gas-X it is a life saver. I think you should be able to go back to work when you say but I think I would stay away from the Television returns for this season. Remember eat small meals often 5-6 a day, not 3 three big meals. If it keeps up call your surgeon. I call mine all the time. You will be fine!
   — dkinson

December 7, 2002
I was in your shoes. Had LAP-RNY on October 8th. It gets better very soon. I was in pain and suddenly one day that went away. Stay with it. It works. Down 50 lbs.
   — Steve B.

December 8, 2002
Resa..heya hun..first of all.. the pains you are feeling are probably gas.. i had them to.. the doctor told me i needed to walk more.. and others recommended an anti-gas med.. i just try to walk.. i think im a week ahead of you .. also i have been fighting off the depression and wondering why i did this.. i cried alot..yelled alot.. but ive met some wonderfull people .. via email and phone .. through this website and others.. they have been very supportive.. i was told the depression is normal.. your body and mind are both healing and adjusting .. this takes time.. i encourage you to burp as often as you can ..i know its gross.. but if ya are gonna be hurting..also.. to get a bit personal.. have you been having regular bm's... cause constipation is a huge problem for lots of us with the surgery.. and that.. can also cause severe pain.. are ya drinking protein shakes??.. how much water are ya getting in??... stuff to think about.. feel free to email me.. also a group i get lots of info from is GastricBypass-InfoCentral.. wonderfull people there..very supportive.. feel free to email me to.. k.. good luck to ya hun.. i know these first few weeks can be very trying..*huggles*
   — johanna F.

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