My PCP hasn't faxed the letter yet and I've asked twice

I'm just wondering how long a PCP typically takes to send the medical necessity letter and medical clearance. I've asked twice but didn't sound like there was any immediacy to the request. I would think that if there was a problem, he would call the surgeon's office, correct? When I go to the surgeon tomorrow should I request that they call him? Not sure how to proceed here.    — susanje (posted on December 5, 2002)

December 5, 2002
Remember, your PCP is working for you, not the other way around. Call and be forceful but nice. Tell them your concern - afterall you want to be completely ready when you see your surgeon for consultation.
   — Debbie K.

December 5, 2002
Debbie is absolutley right. They are working for you! I would give them another call and ask to speak to the office manager of the doctor's assistant. Tell them that you have been very patient and that you think that the time they have taken to respond is unacceptable. Ask them if they would take this long to respond for a patient having open heart surgery. Tell them that you will help them any way that you can. This is your health we are talking about here. The last thing you should probably do is ask them to call you and let you know when they sent the letter as it is an urgent matter and cannot be put off any longer. This may sound a little "bossy", but in my experience, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Good Luck!
   — Wendie G.

December 5, 2002
Why don't you tell them you'll come in to the office to pick up the letter and then you can fax it yourself?? This way they have to have it ready on the day and time you say you'll be there AND you can fax it yourself and know it's been done.
   — Patty H.

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