Help! PCP withdrew

I received a certified letter from my PCP today saying he is withdrawing as my primary care physician. No explanation but obviously it is because he disagrees with the WLS idea. I sent him a letter explaining all of this to him and I have a feeling they crossed in the mail. I have an appt with a surgeon on the 4th of December who requires a letter from the PCP. What do I do now? Should I call my surgeon and ask if they have a recommendation? I don't know what to do!    — susanje (posted on November 16, 2002)

November 16, 2002
To clarify: my surgeon doesn't require a referral, just a letter of medical clearance and history of weight related comords. I don't know what to do. I am totally freaked out.
   — susanje

November 16, 2002
Susan usually if a PCP leaves his/her patients it has a sort of effective date, as in when they would be leaving or no longer willing to see you. Or in your case did he say he would continue to see you until you found a new doctor? I'd call and ask some really specific questions. Also I'd specifically ask him to recommend a doctor. Is he part of a group to where someone else in his group can easily take over the care? I'd look into finding a new PCP right away and in the mean time see if your physician will continue to work with you until then and I'd emphasize the fact that at this point he wouldn't be dealing at all with post op care of anything like that. You're only in the "discovery" phase and just don't want to be without a good doctor. Good luck.
   — Shelly S.

November 16, 2002
I don't have an answer for you other than to look for a new PCP. Mine is wonderful so there are some out there! Good luck to you!!!
   — Jenn J.

November 16, 2002
Ask your surgeon for the names of some WLS friendly PCPs. Oh and after you have lost the weight do a good thing please. Make a appointment with your OLD PCP and show them what WLS can do. This can save nother persons life.
   — bob-haller

November 16, 2002
Thank you all for your answers. I am really humiliated by this. We were new to each other when I saw him (I just moved to this area and had only seen an OBGYN before now). I sent him a long letter detailing my history and problems with weight loss as well as articles on WLS. I don't know if he received it and thought I was full of crap or if he hasn't yet received it. He really didn't want any part of this. Can he do anything to me insurance wise? I really feel like he was repulsed by the whole idea and didn't want to work with my insurance company. Can he sabotage me in any way with them? What questions should I ask him? I'm so angry and upset and humiliated that I am not sure how to ask or what to ask. I felt he was disdainful of me the first day but he led me to believe he would work with me. I feel simply terrible. thanks for listening.
   — susanje

November 16, 2002
He can't do anything re the insurance company. I'll tell you what I would do, however. I'd post his name on this board for all to see and I'd encourage everyone to write him letters telling him how he hurt you, and how he'd better get up to speed with technology. He will lose patients if he keeps up with this attitude. Oh wait, now that I think about it, him losing patients isn't such a bad idea....what a jerk!!
   — Tamara K.

November 16, 2002
hi susan, im very sorry about what your pcp did to you. that really sucks! dont let it stop you. id defiently get a new pcp. look at whos available in your medical group and even call ahead of time and sorta feel them out. ask questions to see if anyone under their care has ever had wls and if not than ask if they are open to the idea this way you dont waste your time in picking someone that doesnt favor it. i wish you the best of luck :)
   — carrie M.

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