Nurse told me Dr would not OP if still gaining.

Has anyone heard of that? I aming just starting the testing and an appt. with the dietition next week. I want to have the surgery this year but not looking good for that.    — Greg H. (posted on November 6, 2002)

November 6, 2002
I used Dr. Ted Scott in Lubbuck Tx. When I went to meet him the first time i weighed 270. My real consult was 2 1/2 weeks later and I weighed 274. I suffered from "last supper syndrome" pretty badly and even asked about it and they said not to worry and to enjoy myself. My surgery (open Rny)was only a week later but im sure I weighed more by then. I dont know if it was because I was considered a lite weight to start with or not (mighta been cause i had no comorbitiities and was paying cash!!! lol) I think also that on Lap surgerys they may have to be more concerned about you having an enlarged liver since they have to kinda work around it. It seems like every surgeon does things differently (like smoke-free 3 months etc. woulda canned me for sure!!) I believe all you can do is the best you can and I am sure that if he wont do you there are plenty of competent and compassionate surgeons out there that will.
   — Marilayne M.

November 7, 2002
The nurse is not going to make the decision of whether to operate or not, of course. But think of it from your surgeon's point of view - the more fat the harder the surgery for you and your surgeon. And if you were the surgeon - would you be interested in doing surgery on someone that was really packing on the pounds with wls coming up. I would be thinking "maybe not a good candidate for success". (And surgeons like good statistics about their success.) My surgeon said no more than 6 or 8 lbs- I gained 18 lbs waiting 5 mounths for surgery and really tried not to - it was ok.
   — charlene M.

November 7, 2002
Hi Greg, Yes, my nurse had told me the same thing. That if I had gained any weight from my initial consult that he wouldn't do the surgery. Needless to say, I didn't find out about this until 3 weeks before my surgery and I had gained 24 lbs, which I worked like crazy to get off before the surgery. Thankfully it worked, but I was really stressed out about it. I know it's hard to keep yourself in check ESPECIALLY when you have so much on your mind and so many emotions are coming into play. Look at it this way though.. if you don't gain any weight than that's less you have to worry about losing :) Good Luck!
   — Cindy in NY!

November 7, 2002
Hi: My surgeon did not prohibit a weight gain before surgery. I waited for 6 weeks to have surgery and gained 5 pounds. However, I strongly disagree with the poster who said gaining before surgery shows a lack of commitment. That was totally not true in my case. After surgery, there was no way I could overeat. In fact, I am barely able to get a non-starvation amount of calories in my body at 11 weeks postop. Your whole perspective changes and the ability to consume all of that food no longer exists. If your surgeon refuses to operate with a weight gain, by all means watch yourself. But if you are like many, enjoy whatever you want before surgery. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

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