Do you have suggestions on how to change the way you view your saggy skin?

Hello everyone. I hope all is well. I am so happy that you all are getting approved and having uneventful surgeries. The ones that are waiting for approvals and appeals and going through complications, my prayers are with you. I am now 20 weeks(5 months) post op and have lost 80 pounds. started out weighing 305 pounds June 6, 2002 (the day of surgery) and now weigh 225. I am very happy with the amount of weight I have lost, but I am very very depressed with my body. Actually I hate my body and I wish it would disappear.I am going through therapy and she has suggested things for me to do to start feeling better about my body, but it is not working. She even keeps telling me it is temporary ( which I know), but all of her suggestions are just not helping. I am 25 pounds away from 200 and when that magic number comes I will go back to plastic surgeon and begin the plastic surgery process. He said that he could remove 20 pounds of skin from me and it will take 2 months after plastic surgery request and insurance appeals before we hear back from insurance and by then I will be at my goal weight of 160-170. I am planning to have circumfrential tummy tuck,arm lift, breast lift, and inner and outer thigh lift.How are you all handling your skin and body issues? Am I the only one who hates my body now that I have lost a lot of weight? Do you guys have any suggestions to get over this hate and disgust for the way I feel about my body? Take care you all.    — Skyedancer4u1 (posted on October 27, 2002)

October 27, 2002
It sounds as if you are going to have the Plastic surgeries necessary to fix your saggy skin areas, so I would focus on that and perhaps think about those who cannot get plastic surgery to fix their saggy should help put things in perspective. Best wishes
   — Patricia R.

October 27, 2002
I'm sorry to hear that you are displeased with your body. I hated my body when I was obese. Now that I am healthy, I love my body. I have a few saggy areas that aren't pretty, but they aren't too bad. If I had plastics done now, it would only be for vanity reasons. I have no health problems because of it. Maybe I have to buy a size 10 instead of an 8 because of the extra skin, but that is just a number. You are much more than what your body looks like. Don't judge yourself so harshly on your appearance only. The person that you are goes much deeper than that. And remember that others don't judge you about your appearance as much as you do, we are our own worst critic.
   — Cheri M.

October 27, 2002
I know how you feel. MENTALLY I know I have lost 95# and I thank God for it. PHYSICALLY I feel much better and am healthier. EMOTIONALLY I still see myself as fat with lots of sagging skin and globs of fat. In the past when I'd lose weight it would come off evenly and leave a smooth contour----but----- that was many moons ago!! I know that my age has greatly affected the elasticity of my skin (that doesn't mean I have to like it). I'm currently looking into plastic surgery as I know my skin will not "bounce back". There are many mixed feelings at play here like, do I really want more scars to add to my collection? Will the procedures make me look more like my ideal? Why do I care? I care because after all I've been through I think I deserve to look as good as I feel!! Good luck with your procedures; I hope the results are all you've hoped for. My biggest problem is finding the money to get mine done.
   — LLinderman

October 27, 2002
I know how you feel, I have the hanging belly also and to me it looks abosolutly gross, but i keep telling myself,I lost all this weight and I feel so much better, and I will get this extra skin taken care of, just try and be patient, you've lost alot of weight and the is awesome,, keep up the great job!!!
   — bikerchic

October 27, 2002
I am down 135# and I have 'ruffles' of skin coursing down my thighs and belly. I am approved for reconstruction, on the surgery wait list, and just waiting for it to be my turn in the OR. In the mean time I am exercising and slathering my loose flesh with skin firming lotions and nice smelly creams. I am treating this old hide like it was my favorite friend. I love to stroke the musclely parts just under the squishy surface. I don't think I have ever been as strong or as fit. I will be healthy and ready for surgery. My skin will be as resilient as it possible can be for surgery.<p>Try embracing your skin until you can part with it. That skin was good to you. It stretched to fit an overly big body. It didn't split and bleed--it just stretched to accommodate all the extra weight. Now it can't quite get back to where it was before. So what if you look like you are wearing your skin three sizes too big, you are going to have it taken in. In the meanwhile stroke it, love it, thank it for being so understanding of the weight you couldn't control.<p>What happens really doesn't impact us nearly as much as what we say to ourselves about it. Say nice things about your skin. It is soft. It is conforting. It is entertaining--particularly under water. Speak nicely to yourself and you will feel better all around.
   — phoebe

October 27, 2002
I view my skin with my eyes closed or the light off. It works! And until I get to the point when I can get my tucks, then that is what I plan to keep on doing. Seriously, people are telling me how good I am looking these days with my new weight loss. Why should I beat myself up about the loose skin. I will continue to dress for success and wait for the rest to come later. Enjoy the accolades in the meantime!
   — Sue A.

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