How do I relax?

I have worked so hard to get approved for this surgery. Once I got approved it seemed like I just think about my new lifestyle all day and all through the night. I have always been overweight and now God is blessing me and I just get so nervous, I tend to want to be by myself and not talk about it but then at the same time that all I want to talk about. It's such a roller coaster!!! I imagine myself being able to walk and not hurt, being about to wear shorts and they can go above my knees, go to buy clothes and not worry about what's the largest size they go up to....etc... Any advice to calm this rollercoaster ride?    — praiseiswhatido (posted on October 16, 2002)

October 16, 2002
Stephanie, we have all been there with you. There is a sense of excitedness and at the same time, its scary. Any surgery is scary and add to that the drastic change in your lifestyle, and it is drastic, and its totally understandable why we are nervous and scared. But let me tell you, in a few months, you will be off the roller coaster and dropping all that weight. Yes, you will walk again without hurting and yes, you will buy clothes in normal clothes sizes again. One of the things that I loved to do before my surgery was to visit the before and after pictures on this site. I spent hours looking at the pictures and reading their profiles, and in some cases, contacting them to chat. Everyone was so happy, and trust me, you will be too!
   — Cindy R.

October 16, 2002
I am SOOOOOOOOOOO there with you...going through the exact same thing...I am actually losing sleep! I say forget about relaxing and just stay excited and nervous...and we'll be there soon!
   — thekatinthehat

October 16, 2002
My surgery is in 1 wk exactly. I am so nervous. Not sleeping, not concentrating. Feel like I'm going to cry over everything. What to do? I'm just trying to keep busy!
   — Laura B.

October 16, 2002
Enjoy the ride! A small piece of advice...since you've made up your mind, and are probably reading everything you can on the subject, avoid memorial pages and things that are grossly negative. No sense adding to your worries. I'm sure you have enough all on your own :>) Things I did to fill the time: Got my hair cut short, so it was easy to wash and care for while I healed. Read reviews on protein drinks and tried a few samples...protein bars too. Warning: They won't taste the same after surgery, but hey it kills time :>) Check out current clothing trends. If you're like me, you haven't paid much attention to what's stylish, so long as it fit. Now you can dream about what to wear in a few months! Plan your dream vacation for when you are UP to doing whatever it is your heard desires. Enter a bunch of online contests. Hey you might win something and it does keep you busy. Just some thoughts to occupy. Best of luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 16, 2002
All of those feeling are normal. When I told my doctor of those feelings and he told me to go to an expensive dress shop and look on the sale rack. Buy a size 8 or 10 of a dress that you would never think you would be able to wear. Then keep it as a reminder that in 1 year you will be able to wear it. The dress is in my closet now and at 9 months post op it almost fits. I have had 2 knee surgeries and could hardly walk 100 yards, I now can walk 3 miles a day.
   — Christina L.

October 16, 2002
Honey all the posties on this board, the wise ones I call them, are right the waiting is the worst. I am now 3 weeks post op and looking back I cannot believe how it consumed my thoughts and actions. You can do it. Busy yourself in preparations. Take care of all your business and just keep mentally busy. It truly will be here before you know it. Good Luck to you!!!!! Peggy open rny 9/20 -30#'s
   — Peggy A.

October 16, 2002
Add me to the list of "endless waiters" that are on this roller coaster ride with you. My surgery should be in 2 weeks (we have a "date" but my surgeon's office won't actually schedule it until my pre-ops are all done, which is this week). From reading previous postings, some of the things I'm doing to keep busy: Write a new will and write a medical power of attorney (we have to be practical), shop for foods and drinks I'll need in the house after the surgery, practice chewing my food until it's mush before I swallow, drink more water, take care of all unfinished business (paperwork, bills, etc.), get myself on a daily exercise regimen (it's not easy to walk with all this weight and a bad knee, but the walking alone brings out those endorphins). I've also been emailing several "sisters and brothers" in the WLS community. I had a few weeks of being unable to sleep, but I got past that and am now okay. But, as someone said in answer to another question, if you need to take Xanax or another sleep aid. Don't you wish you could just "fast forward" 8 or 10 weeks?
   — Arlene S.

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