What to do???

I right now I am at a loss on how to go on with my journey to WLS... I heard from my insurer today, nothing bad , just some more info they need. I know I can find a PCP and get the things they want....but here is the thing.. My husband is trying to get a new job. His current job is ok I guess but he wants one that pays better and I understand. Right now things are a little tight and more money would help. But if he quits the job he has now the insurance is gone as well. It usually takes like 90 days for the new insrurance at the new job is kicking in. So what I have to figure out is how to deal with my goal of having surgury and what happens to all the things I did so far, now that I got the ball rolling. I am excited at the thought to haver a better live and better health, but I have to concider my family and our financial situation. I know 90 days may not sound like that much, but that also means 90 more days of pain and suffering for me. I know there is the option of selfpay insurance ( COBRA I think) but if I remember correctly it is soooooo expencive for a family. I am torn right now between saying HELL NO to the new job and 90 days of waiting for new insurance and YES DO IT so he gets a better paying job. In the past it was always a no brainer for me to say YES to a new job but now at this point I am not so sure anymore. My husband wants what is best for us and he is supportive in my journey to WLS, but after today I see this job switch as a rock in the road....... WHAT TO DO?????    — Anette H. (posted on September 9, 2002)

September 9, 2002
I may be completely wrong, but it is my understanding that if your current insurance company approves WLS, then Cobra will as well. I think it is the same "rules" as the insurance you have. And just a thought- can you not get it on <i>just you</i> until the new insurance would come into effect? I mean, you wouldn't have the insurance on the family anyways until the 90 day period, right? Good luck to you! Don't give up, no matter what!
   — karmiausnic

September 9, 2002
Oops- I just read your post again and realized that you have insurance under your hubby so that would mean that you would have to get it on the both of you. Hmmm...Personally, if I were in this situation and thought I could get a surgery date relatively soon, I would ask hubby to wait. Your health is more important than extra money (money is tight here too, but...).
   — karmiausnic

September 9, 2002
I work in a Human Resources office and I know that under our plan (I actually think it is law) each dependant can opt for COBRA independantly. That means if you wanted to cover one out of four children, you could. In your case it would allow you to elect COBRA for yourself only. Instead of putting his employer on alert to his job hunting, try asking some people you are close to and see if their COBRA works the same way or have your husband ask for a copy of the Summary Plan Description for his Medical Insurance. It may outline COBRA in there. Good luck!!!
   — Sarah V.

September 9, 2002
hi there. new to this question and answer board. i am a claims adjustor for medical and dental claims. i can tell you that if you were approved with your hubbys current insurance and went on cobra then that would also be covered. every plan is different, of course, but i have never seen an insurance company switch benefits if you opt for cobra.
   — Monica T.

September 9, 2002
COBRA is the exact same insurance you have now. The only difference is in how you pay the premium. You pay 102% with no employer contribution. COBRA coverage is offered to each individual that was on the policy. You chose who you want covered under COBRA. Good luck.
   — Brenda H.

September 9, 2002
I have read on this board that alot of people feel that the decision of WLS is thiers and not a group decision. In this entire question your dh's decison and thought process was not addressed. Well if WLS is your decision then his job should be his. If it is a joint decision then you BOTH should decide. I wish the best for you. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

September 9, 2002
Hi Anette. I feel for you in this dilema but I am going to have to agree with Robert here. This should not be a one-sided decision. I think that you and your husband should sit down and weigh out your options. If this means that you may end up needing to wait a few more months then hey, things work out for the best. Support your husbands wants and needs so that when the time comes for you to have your surgery the family will be less stressed with trying to make ends meet. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
   — Teekay80

September 10, 2002
Wow.. that is a tough decision. Has he actuallly found a new job yet? I would encourage him to start looking and see what is out there. But keep his current job while you continue the process. You never know what he will find and how soon. Then take it one step at a time. If he does find a better paying job that he likes.. maybe the pay increase will be enough to cover the cost of COBRA? At least until the new insurance kicks in. Whatever you do.. make sure it's a joint decision that both of you can live with. Good luck!
   — Virginia N.

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