Sub-sternal pain, back pain, & now dry heaves.....

For the last week I have been having pain below my sternum which seems to radiate along the bottom of my ribs. I spoke with the surgeons office and the said that it was an "inflamation and to take vioxx". So, tried that with no success. Last night, I was up all night with the abdominal pain as well as my back hurting. I called the surgeons office this am and then went in for labs & xrays. Liver enzymes, amylase, UA, white blood cells, abdominal xrays are all clear. So they gave me some pain meds and sent me home. Tonight the pain remains and I am now dry heaving. Anybody have any thoughts??? I am able to drink. I feel so crappy that I haven't had much to eat. I bite of egg yesterday and today a piece of meat & cheese.    — Heather N. (posted on August 15, 2002)

August 15, 2002
How does water taste? When is your appt to be scoped? Vioxx is not really a safe med for us. I know it is reputed to be a safe med, but I've known 2 to have gastric bleed. If your pouch is irritated, that would only aggravate it.
   — vitalady

August 15, 2002
Do you have your gallbladder?? You may want to get the looked at.
   — Vicki L.

August 16, 2002
Heather....this is just a guess but when I had pancreatitous(sp?) those are the exact symptoms I had. The symptoms continued to get worse everyday and night til I was in the emergency room and stayed in the hospital for 5 days. I don't want to scare you with my response but it is just another option.
   — DRutherford

August 16, 2002
It's sounds like a possible stricture. I've never had one, but from what I've heard, the pain is usually around your ribs. Does it hurt more when you eat? I've been suffering with back and abdominal pain for 3 1/2 months now, but haven't had any dry heaves. I ended up having my gallbladder out in May, but my pain remained. Then they thought it was pancreatitus, but all of my blood tests came back normal, and so did the MRCP. I've had just about every test out there, and they still don't know what's causing the pain. They now think it could be scar tissue, so I'm facing yet a 3rd surgery next month some time. I wish you lots of luck in getting to the bottom of the pain. Don't give up, and don't let your doctors give you lame excuses. You may benefit from keeping a pain journal, so that you can pinpoint patterns. Good luck and God bless!
   — Christine L.

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