3-weeks post-op. Why does it hurt after I eat?

I am 3 weeks post-op lap rny. Within the past few days it hurts when I eat. About 20 minutes after I am through i feel a very sharp and stabbing pain in my left side below my ribs and right in the middle of my chest. I kept thinking it was gas, but dont think so. I called my doctor today and they have scheduled me for an upper gi tomorrow. Does anyone have any idea what this might be or have you experienced this. The pain is almost unbearable for about an hour or so. Your help would be great. I am worried that something has gone wrong. I have been following the diet I was given and I am on pureed foods.    — tulagirl (posted on August 13, 2002)

August 13, 2002
Tammi, I don't have an answer for you but I wish you the best of luck in finding out it's cause. My guess is it could be gas, but it could be something with your new pouch. Could be's are only going to worry you honey, so try your best to get through till you see the doctor and get this thing figured out. Please keep us all informed. Take care, Cathy
   — jenlaur1

August 13, 2002
Hi Tammi- I am five weeks post-op. Although I did not have this pain you are speaking about, I know there are several posts in the library that talk about a muscle on the left side of the chest that seems to flair up with pain about three weeks post-op due to the cutting in the surgery. I would suggest researching the library for further help. Good luck.
   — Joanie J.

August 13, 2002
I get this pain also when I over-eat or don't chew good enough. Slow down and eat less
   — Angela G.

August 13, 2002
Are you still on a liquid diet? Whenever I get a pain or an upset stomach I ONLY eat yougert, soup and cottage cheese for a day or two to give my stomach a rest and this usually helps me. If the pain persists PLEASE call your DR. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

August 14, 2002
It sounds like the pouch pain from overeating or eating too fast. I used to get this during the first month or two when I was adjusting to more "solid" foods and would eat too fast or 1 bitetoo much. Try slowing down (like 1 bite, fork down for 2 minutes, one bite, fork down again), and eat a little less than you normally would and chew very well. If that doesn't work, then check it out with the doc.
   — Cindy R.

August 14, 2002
Thank you to all of you who answered my question. I had an upper GI done this morning and I have an ulcer. The doctor said that this formed after surgery. I am starting on some medication and if this does not work more tests. Thanks again.
   — tulagirl

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