Will my knees stop making noises after I lose weight?

My knees creek and squeek especially when on the stairs. I was wondering if this would go away after I lose all my weight?    — Linda E. (posted on August 5, 2002)

August 4, 2002
Linda, I was awaiting a total knee replacement surgery when I decided to have WLS instead. My knees made all of those "snap, crackle, pop" noises, and I was in considerable pain, because the cartilage in the joints had completely worn away over the years of obesity. I am now 28 months post-op and at goal. My knees don't hurt anymore, but the "noise" is still there some of the time....unfortunately, once the cartilage is gone, the damage is done. Eventually I will still need the joint replacement, but the WLS has bought me a wonderful reprieve. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

August 4, 2002
I still hear the snapping and crackling on the stairs.
   — Patty H.

August 5, 2002
hi there pr op i was in a near fatal accident as i was hit by a drunk driver my right knee was bad but now post op and down over 118lbs the snap crackle and pops and the pain are almost non existant best of luck to you! :)
   — carrie M.

August 5, 2002
I had to walk with two canes the last year before WLS. They would'nt do knee replacements because of my weight. Now at 15 months post op, my knees still make all the same awful noises. Generally they don't hurt anymore, but I can not squat down very long. And I can't do anything to stress them. WLS has bought me some time, but the damage is already done.
   — Danmark

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