I'm so nervous about this consult.

My initial consult is on Tuesday and I am really nervous. I finally got a wonderful friend of mine to come with me for "moral support". Has anyone had problems getting their husband or significant other on board with this whole process? Hubby wants no part of this is haappy with me "As Is" -- loves me for who I am. I love all of those things he has said but he doesn't have to walk around in my self conscious, self loathing state 24/7. Any suggestions? We have talked this to death at this point--HELP! I'm doing it for me and no one else.    — pcollin4 (posted on June 10, 2002)

June 10, 2002
Hi. I just had LAP RNY 10 days ago. I am 22, i am not married, so cannot completely relate, but my b/f of 2 years was apprehensive at first. He loved me for who I was as well, and was extremely scared b.c he heard of all the complications and knew there was a small chance i could die, which scared him so much. I wish i had a straight answer for you. I don;t know what exactly changed him, but after a few weeks, he was all for it. he started reading the posts and researching WLS and the AMOS website and was well-informed like i was, and he saw how excited I was for it, and he just had a change of heart i guess. You said you have talked this to death with your husband. The only thing i can say is that try saying this is what will make you truly happy, that you are miserable being obese, and you need to be healthy and live a good life again and you need his loving support, and see if that helps, although i'm sure you have already tried that. Try suggesting having him do a little research about WLS. Sorry if i haven't helped. Just wanted to give my support to you! Goodluck!! ~HUGS~
   — Lezlie Y.

June 19, 2002
I am in the first stages of getting started. I am to attend my first seminar in Phx., AZ. this July so I'm not as far along int he proceedure as you are though I already relate to your problem. My husband is going to be a real stick in the mud about the whole weight loss surgery. The reason? Unlike your b/f, he thinks it's just a matter of "self control"! You are very lucky that your B/F loves you just the way you are. My husband really loves me but wants me to lose the 130 lbs. I need to be at my ideal weight. He just doesn't understand my need to have surgery to accomplish this. It's kind of like when I quit smoking 9 mos. ago.... I had to use Every aid that was available to the public to accomplish the feat. He can see that need and he Will see this new need before it's said and done. I hope I helped just a little bit. Good luck and remember that anything worth having is worth working for. And that includes US.
   — Sally Jane N.

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