Did the apple juice cause this???

I am 3 weeks post op of an open RNY, I have had no problems at all. I am now on a soft diet, still mostly juices and drinks, no meat or breads etc. I had been drinking apple juice all along. This morning I took 3 sips, and got nauseated, and later vomited w/ very loose stool. I felt sick all day and could not take in anything until later in the evening some V8 stayed down. What did I do???    — Gina D. (posted on May 27, 2002)

May 27, 2002
Apple juice is VERY high in sugar. In fact most fruit juices are. I am a pre-op VBG'er so I don't really understand the "dumping syndrome", but I know that RNY'ers are not supposed to drink hardly any fruit juice unless it is watered down a lot. Plus, I used to give my baby apple juice when she was constipated to loosen her bowel movements, as that's what sugary juices do to some people. Good luck!
   — DJeffrey

May 27, 2002
I have drank orange, pineapple and tomato juice from the second week out. Juice must be 100% juice no added sugar. I cannot drink apple juice it gives me the runssssss. (14 weeks -67lbs.)
   — Oldsoul

May 27, 2002
I had surgery 6 1/2 weeks ago. I was on clear liquids right after surgery. When I got home I was drinking apple, cranberry, white grape. I got terrible stomach pains and uncontrollable diarrhea. I ended up calling the doctor's office and was told it was probably the juice. I was told to discontinue the juice from my diet, only sugar free items. So, my guess for your question would be yes, the juice probably had something to do with your experience.
   — bevewy

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