I am six months post op, lost 86 pounds so far and now weigh 158 pounds.

I feel better then I did before I had the surgery, but I still feel so big. I am in a size 10 (I was this size years ago and I weighed 128 pounds) but I cannot look at myself and be happy with what I see. Is this normal? Am I going crazy here? The hanging tummy, arms and inner thighs don't help with this issue. I also have been stuck at this weight for over a month. Is that it? Am I done losing? Anyone else feel this way? My own personal goal (maybe unrealistic) is 123 pounds. Is that weight possible. I see all of the people on the before and after photos and wish I looked that good. What is the deal here, what is wrong with me?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 6, 2002)

February 5, 2002
Oh my! What I would give to weigh just 158! I am four months post-op, have lost 70, and am down to 174. I am very proud of what I have done though! I have also been on plateau, and it IS very discouraging, but I would hate to think that the weight loss has stopped! By my calculations, we started at about the same weight, though you have two months on me. I have read many, many bios of women who have started at our weight, all seem to have lost to goal and some even surpassed their own expectations and their doctors. Don't give up, the weight loss will slow down, but it's not over by any means! You must be getting so many compliments now! Congratulations!
   — DonnaCarol

February 6, 2002
You need to talk to your surgeon about some of this. Most plastic surgeons say you should be at the same weight for 3 months before "repair" and you are not there yet. You probably are not done losing. Part of this depends on your age as well as on genetics - some people have great skin and some don't. The most important thing to remember is that you did this for your health---the how you look with your clothes off has to be secondary. It is sure natural to want to look like a young model, but not very realistic. Remember, they are air-brushed--they don't look like that either!
   — mskarns

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