I am 9 days post-Op, Has anyone else had terrible itching all over body?

I have been itching everywhere. Legs, arms, back, bottom, sides. This itching has been waking me up several times every night. Ive tried moisturizing lotion, cortizone cream, etc. I'm not on any meds. Could this be because of my skin shrinking? What can I do to stop the itching?    — T. A. (posted on January 24, 2002)

January 23, 2002
I had itching all over, I'm 3wks post. It's getting better now. I don't know what causes it' I'm using anti dry skin creams. They do have pills. Hope this helps :)
   — [Anonymous]

January 23, 2002
You are in the prime of healing... And that causes ITCHING.... I thought I was going to go nuts for awhile!!!! It started about 10 days out... I kept antibiotic ointment on my incision... I still have times where my abdomen just itches me to peices...but it is not as bad as in the beginning... I am sure it is the itching from healing... unless you have allergies and there is something you are allergic to.... just a thought.... good luck..... Ugg what a terrible feeling..
   — Pamela W.

January 23, 2002
I had terrible itching too...from dry skin. Remember, you are not getting in as much fluid right now at three weeks post op than you were pre-op, and far less than you will be later on post op. Try to remember to get your fluids in. Your body will take fluids rightn ow from wherever it can get it...and your largest organ is your skin---it's dehydrated and that will cause itching. Use moisturizing lotion and try to get in your water...that will help. At ten weeks post op, I am finally getting over that somewhat. It doesn't help that it is winter either...that's always a bad time for dry, itchy skin. See ya later, alligator. :>)
   — Mustang

January 23, 2002
I too started itching after my surgery. I am three months post op and still itch all over. I have tried everything but nothing has helped. I was told that I am not drinking enough water.
   — blank first name B.

January 23, 2002
Are you taking any pain medication? It could be a reaction to the medication. Check with your surgeon if you think this is possible.
   — [Anonymous]

January 23, 2002
I am 6 weeks post/op-itched unmercifully for 2-3 weeks post/op. I only took pain meds for 3 days post op. I also froze to death for the same time frame. I think it is a combination of healing, decreased fluid intake and body responding to the overwhelming changes. I now am comfortable temperature wise and no longer itch much. It get's better, I promise.
   — jsuggs

January 24, 2002
I'm 5 weeks post-op and I have itched since the surgery. during week 2 and 3 I itched so much I was up all night scratching myself until I bled. And while most of it has subsided I still find myself itching my sides!! Anyway I bought and use every night Aveeno body lotion. Comes in a tube or a pump 9$ at CVS or other pharmacy stores. Target and Wal-mart have it cheaper. I recommend it highly. Good Luck!
   — Pamela P.

January 24, 2002
I started itching right after surgery. They changed my pain meds twice and it finally stopped but started again right after I was home. Now I itch so bad that I'm scratching my skin off everywhere. If you get any good advice please pass it on to me before I don't have any skin left!! Thanks Vicki Mize-LapRNY 1-8-02
   — vmize

January 24, 2002
Are you taking anything with CODINE in it??? If so, find something else. I have the same terrible reaction to ANYTHING with codine, even cough syrup.
   — Robby E.

January 24, 2002
I was known to be allergic to Morphine, so they gave me Demerol in my PCA...well, I now know I am allergic to that as well. I itched and scratched so much I looked like I was put in a bag with an angry cat! They gave me shots of Benedryl every 4 hrs. and it gave NO relief! I was given a pain patch to wear home and it had morphine and something else in it. (I didn't know this!) I continued to itch until I took it off and for a day or so afterward. It is most likely your pain meds if you are taking any type of narcotic. Good Luck and I hope you stop itching!
   — Karen B.

January 24, 2002
Oh boy oh boy, does this sound familiar. It is probably a reaction to op/post-op meds. I had a terrible time of it for almost two months. my skin became almost like leather, especially on the back and buttocks. I continually moisturized using a variety of creams, ointments, salves, etc. To make a long story short, I am now five months post -op and the itchy-owies are gone. And my skin and complexion are soft and silky. you may also want to use an AVEENO bath. It will soothe the skin and help moisturize.
   — michelle R.

January 24, 2002
I don't have this now since I came home, but in the hospital I itched so much from the morphine, that my legs were bloody and I have little tiny scabs all over my legs, butt and back from where I scratched them. Wish I had cut my nails!!
   — Goldilauxx B.

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