Is this a sign of ketosis?

Thick white coat on the tongue, a taste in your mouth like you've been chewing on aluminum this ketosis? I am a clean, hygiene-conscious person, never had this before. 3 months post op lap rny.    — Annie H. (posted on January 20, 2002)

January 19, 2002
The thick white coating on your tongue is probably thrush, which is caused by yeast. Ketosis does not cause this. There is a simple and quick treatment that your doctor can prescribe. I've never had thrush, but I have been in ketosis. I remember the taste as being similar to what you describe. However, it could also be from the thrush. My understanding is that ketosis occurs early post op. If this is just starting now, it is probably not ketosis. There are test strips available at the pharmacy that will test your urine and let you know if you are in ketosis. I would definitely call your PCP and tell them about your tongue.
   — [Anonymous]

January 20, 2002
I am prone to thrush after any surgery and sure enough I got it after my open RNY. It's a thick white coat on the tongue like you're describing. The doc just gives me some Nystatin "Swish and swallow" (careful, it contains sugar) and that clears it up. :-)
   — Lisa U.

January 20, 2002
Sounds like Thrush.Ive had it. It is very easily dealt with- just call your doctor. :)
   — [Anonymous]

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