Is the MMPI required by physicians before surgery

What exact tests are the surgeons or insurance companies looking for? Is the MMPI required?    — laflagal (posted on November 5, 2001)

November 5, 2001
It really depends on your insurance company and your physician. My psych evaluation did not require the MMPI. Instead it required that I demonstrate understanding of the surgery, different surgeries available, had realistic goals, understood the possible complications and appeared competent enough to commit to lifetime follow up care, including supplements and blood tests.
   — Anita N.

November 5, 2001
My surgeon didn't require, but the psychiatrist that I went to did. I almost switched dr's, but he got me in so quickly I decided to pay the $75...that my ins. company wouldn't! It was fine. I did it take home and answered all questions as sanely as possible...but the temptation was there. God I wish I could have said demons talk to me!!!
   — Kristin R.

November 5, 2001
The psychologist I talked to does use the MMPI, as it's a pretty quick way to evaluate someone that you don't know personally. They are really not bad at all. It is a very general "Personality Inventory" and you will be fine as long as you don't answer Yes to "Sometimes I think about killing myself..." LOL. The tests use do very from psych to psych. I am having my psych eval done by someone I've known for 10 years, so she doesn't feel the need to use it.
   — [Anonymous]

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