Is it really possible that I am gonna be healthy or look normal?

I have been overweight my whole life...I am scheduled for June 19,Is it really possible that I am gonna be healthy or look normal.Did any one else feel this way??    — tylerswife (posted on April 30, 2001)

April 29, 2001
I totally understand how you feel and even post op I had my doubts for about a month. I am 4 months post op and have a very predictable pattern of weight loss established and I am sure for the first time in my life that I will lose enough to feel & look normal.
   — Lisa B.

April 30, 2001
I can understand how you feel about this! I am 8 months post-op and have lost 102 lbs. I feel better than I have in YEARS!!! I've recently had a problem with self image and not having a clue what my body looks like to others. I asked my husband to show me someone who looks like I do. Well, it took a couple weeks but he finally did point out a woman at the airport he said has a similar body. I just stood there in the middle of the terminal and cried because she looked "normal" to me! So the short answer to your question is YES you will be healthy and look normal!!!!!!!!
   — georgiacarol

April 30, 2001
Rebecca, I'm sorry to break this to you but I am 19 months postop and I don't look normal. I LOOK FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry, I tend to get a little excited.) I just retruned from my 30-year class reunion and it was amazing to me that all anyone did was talk about how great I look and what a major babe I am. Now I was pretty normal-sized in college so these people never really saw me fat. But I was by far the best-looking and in the best shape of anyone. So, it could be that after all is said and done you won't be normal. You'll be fabulous. (OK I am done bragging now. There are precious few places in the world where people could understand how I feel!) hugs, Ann RNY 9/99... 260/125
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 30, 2001
Been there, done that. The transformation is amazing. I am one year post-op, and I just can't believe the difference. A few days ago, I had to get out my passport. When I looked at my passport picture, it was absolutely shocking that I looked like that at one point. Do I look like Cindy Crawford? No. Am I wearing a size 6? No. But I look "normal". I no longer feel self-conscious about the way I look when I am in a crowd. And more importantly, I am so much healthier. I have been rollerblading up a storm, and I love it! The new you is just around the corner. Enjoy!
   — Paula G.

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