Lonely and scared

i am having surgery 20 dec alvarado clinic in san deigo. I would love a visit from an angel for support. i am going to be alone...flying in 15dec flying home 31dec thanks. Shirley    — shirley E. (posted on December 4, 1999)

December 3, 1999
You will be just fine. I am not in your area but I wish you the very best. You are not alone. My prayers will be with you.
   — Jen L.

December 3, 1999
I want to let you know that if you get on your knees and ask god to send one of his angles down to sit on your shoulder and guide you through this surgery, I promise you that you will not feel alone....
   — Lisa L.

December 4, 1999
Unfortunately I am on the other side of the country from you, else I would be happy to stay with you during your surgery. Just remember that I (and alot of others from this site) will be with you in spirit and will be praying for your success. Best of wishes to you, Shirley. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
   — Karen M.

December 16, 1999
Shirley, though I am a bit far away, I would be willing to drive down to see you one day. Please let me know. E-mail me at [email protected] Having an angel is important and you should not be without one.
   — Amber P.

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