Hernia Repair

I am pretty sure I have a hernia. I am 7 1/2 months post op and don't want to have another surgery. I am JUST now feeling like myself again. What does a hernia repair involve? How is the recovery? Is a repair absolutely necessary? I will be calling my doc tomorrow, but am a nervous wreck.    — CindyOakes (posted on December 11, 2003)

December 11, 2003
If you have a hernia, it doesn't mean you have to have it repaired - at least not immediately. I had 9 of them and my surgeon waited til I was at goal and leveled off losing and did the repair and tummy tuck at the same time. It is surgery but it's not as critical as the RNY. There are no major organs involved - just pain and it doesn't last all that long. Many hernia repairs are done in outpatient surgery. I was hospitalized because I had so many and my surgeon suspected that there were many weak spots about to tear. The only time a hernia is dangerous is when part of an organ (like the intestines) protrudes through the hole and the hole (hernia) starts closing around it. That is called strangulation and requires immediate surgery or the intestines will die. Try not to worry - many people live with hernias for years.
   — Patty_Butler

December 11, 2003
Don't lose sleep over it, but take the advice of your doctor about all else. I had a 9" incisional hernia that required immediate repair. I am so glad I had it done, though... immediate relief. <br> Every situation is different. They should be able to tell right away.
   — kultgirl

December 11, 2003
I had a hernia repair on wednesday. It was outpatient surgery. I have a 5 inch incision. Pain is not bad at all. I had my hernia for about 6 months....It does need to be repaired and it is better to do it before it becomes an emergency situation.
   — hooterzgirl75

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