Anyone have muscle spasms in their back or lower after WLS?

I have finally received a diagnosis, after 7 long months, for my chronic back pain. It turns out that my piraformis muscle, gluteus medius and minimus are spasming from being on the surgery table for 3 1/2 hours from my WLS. Has anyone had this type of problem after their surgery?    — Christine L. (posted on November 8, 2002)

November 8, 2002
YESSSS!!! I too have had a lot of lower back pain from being on my back so long in surgery. Finally, almost 10 months post-op, after lost of chiropractic care and TLC, it's starting to fade. The surgery wasn't bad (lap RNY), but the back pain was absolutely awful. That was the worst part of the surgery. The surgeon labeled it "positional back pain". But it was horrible.
   — Kathy J.

November 8, 2002
I have arthritis in my back, hips and pelvis. After my surgery I had more pain and discomfort in my back than I did from my surgical site. I actually ended sleeping sitting up in a chair in the hospital because lying in the hospital bed was so painful.
   — Nanette T.

November 8, 2002
I had terrible back pain from around 8-12 months. I saw a chiropractor which helped. I would recommend trying this. I see one that uses a activator vs "cracking" Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

November 8, 2002
Me too. Caused by trhe way we carry our weight changing so fast after surgery. Took a year to finally go away. Upper back muscles would spasmn. It was grueling at times. Best to not styay in any position long. Get more exercse it helps.
   — bob-haller

November 9, 2002
yes yes yes, me too. even had workup for kidney stones and gall bladder which was all negative. i was only on the table 1 1/2 hrs for my lap rny but i agree with the other posters,i think it is from the surgery table( i got my pain within weeks of surgery) and from the shift of your center of gravity. i took pain pills until it went away. i still get it occasionally at 9 months post op. i also had more back pain than anything related to my tummy. i would still not trade the pain for obesity however :)
   — PATSY N.

November 9, 2002
My back has been killing me since the day after surgery. In fact, I had more pain with my back than with the actual surgery. I have back problems from before as well (scoliosis, sciatica). My pain is in the low back is a burning and almost knifelike pain. Nothing helps permanently...I use ice and heat alternately. I have a feeling it's worsened by my poochy stick-out stomach (not exactly an apron) and less than perky breasts. Kaiser doesn't cover plastic surgery so I think I may just have this back pain forever. Sure puts a crimp in wanting to exercise, etc. when you're in pain all the time. I'm just a bit over 6 months post-op, down 83 lbs. Just wanted you to know you're not alone. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 9, 2002
I didn't have back pain after the first month, but it started IMMEDIATELY after my first surgery. The first thing I remember after waking up in the recovery room was my back hurting and trying to get something for the pain and a pillow under my back. I also used aspercreme and a heating pad and those seemed to help.
   — sheltie

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