Anyone else BARELY met qualifications and had problems?

I just got approved yesterday, and i was wondering if anyone else has just barely met the qualifications (my bmi is 40.5) and had any problems as a result.(my blood pressure is normal and always has been)    — Robert L. (posted on July 20, 2002)

July 20, 2002
Hi there from one B'ham resident to another! My BMI was 40.2 (I think) when I had surgery. What do you mean by "have trouble"? Do you mean have trouble getting approval? No, I had absolutely no trouble getting approval for WLS. The only complications that I have had as a post-op was losing a lot of hair (not really a problem) and I have a 4 cm ventral hernia that will have to be repaired. I had my surgery open instead of lap, so a hernia would be a less of a concern for you if you have the surgery lap. Yesterday was my 1 year anniverary and I am down 107 lbs. Only 6 more lbs to go. Please email me privately, I'd love to talk to you.
   — Lori B.

July 20, 2002
Another Birmingham resident (Birmingham, Michigan..LOL) Anyway, I had a BMI of 39 and co-morbidities. I was approved on the first try. The only complication I had so far was from the stoma closing. That was easily fixed with an endoscopy. The surgeon I saw uses the BMI to determine how extensivly to move the intestines. A BMI of 40 gets a proximal and higher BMI's get distal RNY's. The surgeon said that with my BMI he would only remove about 2 1/2 - 3 feet of intestines to make my RNY. It was done laproscopically on June 6, 2002. I have gone from 316 lbs to 259. I go back to work tomorrow. I would have gone earlier but the closed stoma set me back 2 weeks. Good luck.
   — Thomas M.

July 20, 2002
I had lap RNY with a starting BMI 0f 40. Yes I had severe complications but mad it through it. Please read my profile if yiu want the details. Feel free to email me.
   — Linda M.

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