How long will this pancreatitis last?

I had open RNY on 4/5/02 and gallbladder removal on 5/14/02, but I'm still having pain from pancreatitis. I've been eating a bland diet and no alcohol, as instructed by my surgeon. Everyday seems to be getting just a LITTLE bit better, but I'm just getting tired of this pain. Does anyone know how long the pain will last?    — Christine L. (posted on May 25, 2002)

May 25, 2002
I dont have an answer for you but I do have a question. I had my RNY on Jan 18th. I was admitted into the hospital for severe pain end of april. After a series of tests it was determined that I have a sludged up gallbladder and need it removed. OK heres the problem......I never hurt on my right side. I hurt on my left. Where did you hurt?
   — Melody F.

May 26, 2002
I also had pancreatitis about 9 years ago. I became very ill and was hospitalized. They believe it was caused by gallstones but they could not find any stones whenever they did a answer your question to how long it lasted, I had my last painful experience that September which was two months after I had been hospitalized. To answer the other posters question, when I had pancreatitis, the pain was on my left side too. They were able to find the gallstones 1 year later which was such a relief. Please keep following up with it because I ended up having 2 large cysts on my pancreas a few years later which caused such horrible pains and which I also believe was caused by the pancreatitis and gallstones. They noticed the cysts when I had the sono done to find the gallstones and I was told it was very small (at the time it was only one cyst)and that I had probably been born with it. I went for a f/u a few months later and was told that the cyst shrunk and should not worry about it. 4 years later I had 2 cysts the size of softballs and had to have emergency surgery. I'm not trying to scare you, just thought I'd give you my experience with such a horrible illness and the things that could go wrong. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon. God bless you.
   — Belinda S.

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