Delayed Dumping...

I am one year post op and last night I had dumping syndrome, which is nothing new per say but what I have noticed is that my body delays throwing up. I have talked to many who have had dumping syndrome and they get sick within 30 minutes of eating what ever the culprit was but my body has always hung on for a few hours rather than kicking it out almost immediately. Does anyone else have this problem? From the time I eat to the time I throw it back up is about 3 hours, it is most inconvenient.    — Sarah B. (posted on March 22, 2002)

March 21, 2002
I don't know if that's part of the Dumping Syndrome or not. I don't dump infreqently, only when I eat something very high in fat or sugar content. But, it happens within 20 minutes. Howeve, I often get a bit nauseaus two to three hours after I eat. I can't connect it to any particular food or to overeating. I've never acutally thrown up ...but I suspect I would...if I were to eat during these "nausea spells". I've always assumed it's just one of the affects of the surgery.
   — margaret N.

March 22, 2002
I agree! Thats not "dumping". Dumping doesnt make you throw up, but, does make you get the shakes, heart palpetations, nausea and causes lots of discomfort. I think whats happening to you is just something not sitting well with you. I am out about 5 1/2 months and I still have bad days where something doesnt agree with me, but, it did the day before. It bothers me right away and I can tell as soon as it hits my stomach, and sometimes I throw up for hours. Not continually, of course, but, over many hours, 4-6 times. I had that happen to me last night, actually. My stomach still feels kind of sore this morning. I have found out if something isnt sitting well, I drink some water, filling the pouch to the limit, and it makes it come up easier and faster. When youre feeling that miserable, you just want it to be over. I know what youre going through. Good luck and God bless!
   — Kerry P.

March 22, 2002
I think some of us do experience delayed dumping. Sometimes I get a really big craving for a Wendy's frosty, so I go and get one, knowing it is gonna make me sick. I can eat about half of a small one without making me sick, but past that point and my stomach gets crampy and I feel nauseous, but I don't throw up. About 2 hours later, it is head to the bathroom time and I sit for awhile and get shaky and sweaty and get everything out, then it is over and I am ok. I have only done this two or three times and am starting to learn my lesson. Almost 9 mos out and have lost 101 lbs and at goal.
   — gina P.

March 22, 2002
I experienced the same things, vomiting several hours after eating, I went to see the surgeon, got scoped and was found to have a partial small bowel obstruction that was high enough to be dilated with the endoscope.. I also had a very enlarged pouch that was also non functional causing problems.. I suggest that you see your doc and get scheduled for a scope to make sure nothing is wrong mechanically that could easily be fixed.. Good luck. Hugs
   — Gina Landers

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