Has anyone been denied because you didnt lose required weight prior to surgery?

After being approved for the surgery, doing all the tests, scheduling time off from work,,has anyones surgeon not performed the surgery cause you didnt lose weight prior to surgery, or because you gained a few extra pounds??    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 22, 2002)

January 22, 2002
I've heard from Kaiser, Northern CA that they will postpone or cancel your surgery if you don't lose the weight the doctor requested.
   — J V.

January 22, 2002
My doctor required me to lose ideally 10 pounds I only lost 7.5 if I hadn't lost at least near my goal I know he would have postponed it until he was confident I could follow the stage four diet. It was just one of many goals I had to do to get approved. They want to make sure you can follow your new lifestyle.
   — Candace F.

January 22, 2002
I sure am glad my surgeon Dr Schauer from pittsburgh doesnt require lost weight. I know it makes the surgeons job easier, but its still cruel and unusual punishment if you ask me......
   — bob-haller

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