How long before my blood clot goes away?

I am almost two weeks post op. I developed a blood clot behind my left knee at one week post op. The doctor is treating it with medications. He has also given me something for pain; which really doesn't help. It just about kills me to walk on it. Anyone else experienced this?    — steve C. (posted on December 2, 2001)

December 2, 2001
I had a blood clot in left leg, 1997...It took a good 6 months on comidin before the clot desolved, I was on crutches in the beginning, and in the hospital 10 days. Right now I am bloot clot free....After my surger April this year I developed a clot in my lung, that God I am still alive and well. Good Luck
   — Marie B.

December 2, 2001
I developed clots in my right leg two weeks after having an open RNY.After several weeks my pain went away, however, I was slightly sore for a couple of months. I am 8 months post- op now and still get soreness in that leg when I stand on it for long periods of time.
   — Shelley P.

December 2, 2001
I apologize that I didn't answer your question correctly the first time. You asked when do the clots "go away." I was hospitalized for 14 days, and had an IV of coumadin and heparin. (blood thinners) I had to take coumadin for three months after I got out of the hospital to try to disolve the clots. Accordng to my doctor, some blood clots never "go away" they turn into scar tissue and stay in there forever, harmlessly of course.
   — Shelley P.

December 2, 2001
I developed blood clots right after my second surgery, I am still on blood thinners and when I went to get my prescription the Dr. called in another 6 month supply. I have been on the since 9/14. They make me real sick right after I take them, but I would rather be sick a little while then to have to go back into the hospital. If you have anymore questions you can e-mail me.
   — laurac82101

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