HI..I have my surgeons appt on oct 1, the same day my insurance

kicks in,, I am getting so excited..but I am a nervous wreck. I cant concentrate on anything else, not my job, NOTHING..Having this surgery is consuming everything, I am like pushing my husband and daughter away with this..has this happened to any one else? I am trying not to be so selfish..what can I do? I am jsut terrified my insurance company is going to tell me know..I dont know how I will handle that is it should happen..    — tylerswife (posted on September 22, 2001)

September 22, 2001
The only bit of advice that I can give you is to expect a LONG WAIT when trying to get approved with this surgery. I know that I started this journey a few months back and the the "process" of getting approved is the hardest thing. You will need to have different types of tests to see if you qualify and the doctors appointments and sometimes (like in my case) insurance makes you take different WLS classes. So be prepared..this isnt an overnight thing and in the long run those same people you are pushing away now will be your LIFELINE during this wait and after surgery. Don't allow this to over come your entire being! Just sit back and ride the wave just like the rest of us have had to do and talk to as many people you can in the meantime to get all of your WLS information. Hope this helps..Take Care...Cheri GIl
   — mastrnservnt

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