Have any of you experienced BAD bruising?

I know that bruising is normal because WLS is a major surgery, but I have one HUGE bruise on the bottom left side of my stomach (about the size of my hand). I have several other small bruises which don't bother me like this one. It is a very dark purple. I had the lap RNY. Have any of you had a bruise like this?    — Jen S. (posted on August 25, 2001)

August 25, 2001
I had LOTS of dark bruises...they do alot of pushing and pulling and such getting us on/off the tables while we are asleep that we don't even know about. I had many on my arms from that...
   — [Anonymous]

August 25, 2001
Heparin shots are given in the belly area routinely, for the prevention of potentially deadly blood clots. This can cause major bruising. Ask your doctor if you are concerned.
   — [Anonymous]

August 25, 2001
I too had alot of dark purple bruising from the Heparin shots (to pervent blood clots) that I got in the abdomen area twice a day. Seemed like they got darker when I got home. Took a few weeks to go away.
   — Angela S.

August 26, 2001
I will be two weeks' post op tomorrow, and my whole abdomen is spotted with black and blue.... and not even around the incision! One site was where the drain was put in, and I have the same bottom left side huge bruise that you do. I'm not going to worry, because I know that bruising goes away. I just look like I've been in a car accident or something!
   — Nancy G.

August 27, 2001
The shots do cause bruising but I also had a huge dark bruise way below where my incision was. I was told that it was from a clamp they used to hold my stomach open while doing the surgery.
   — Jodi W.

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