I would like to hear from people who have a BMI of 40-45....

I hear alll these people post about slow losers and i read somewhere that if you don't have as much too lose you will lose slow and that concerns me. I guess what i am asking is just how much? how fast? i should expect to lose. I am 5'9 300 and having open RNY on September 27.    — Amanda P. (posted on August 24, 2001)

August 24, 2001
I started this adventure with a BMI of 44. I am 5'7" tall and I weighed 281. I am now three months post op and have lost 48 pounds. I get frustrated when I see people that have lost this much in 7 weeks. But I know it is because they started out higher and have more to lose. My surgeon said that I should expect to lose 12 pounds per month. So far I have exceeded that. So even though I feel like a slow loser compared to some I know I am right on track. Good Luck.
   — Robin C.

August 24, 2001
08/24/01 - I started out at 5'7", 335lbs with a BMI of 48. One month post-op today and I am down 35 pounds. I know it will slow down soon but hey 35 gone is 35 gone- Good luck-debi
   — Deborah M.

August 24, 2001
Robin, we are at the same speed, at 3 months i had lost 49 lbs, now i am almost 5 months and I am down 66. I am 5'7" and started at 276. Even though we may loose a littel slower, percentage wise, i think we go about the same. I have read goals as this, using the highest end of large frame as being your "goal". 33% of excess gone at 3 months, 50% at 5 months 75% at 9 months, 100% at 12 months - anything beyond is gravy. (Remember, at 12 months this may not be YOUR goal weight, but the max "normal" weight you want. People with a higher BMI (50+) will loose very fast in the beginning, and will continue for up to 2 years after WLS, which the "lighter side" BMI under 50 may not do. I keep these numbers taped to my desk - so far I have acheived them... Hope this helps
   — M. A. B.

August 24, 2001
I am 5'6 - 251 lbs pre-op. It has been 3 months and I have lost 46lbs. My weightloss is very slow but it is consistent. This is the fastest weightloss, I have ever had in my life. I am very grateful! I was on a plateau for 3 1/2 weeks, I have lost 5lbs over the weekend:) I have 54 to lose. Good luck too you!
   — L M.

August 24, 2001
When I had my open vbg I was 270 lbs with a bmi of 44.3. I'm 5'7". I lost 115 lbs to my doctor's goal of 155 lbs in only 8.5 mos. I'm pretty happy and now I'm 3 under goal shooting for my own personal goal of 145. I don't think the idea of losing faster because of starting bigger or because of choice of surgery is written in stone. There are always exceptions and our bodies own personal reaction to losing. Much luck!
   — Jo C.

August 24, 2001
I think we all feel our losses are slow and don't realize we did not get here over night but sure would like to lose it that way and we become spoiled in the first couple months when the weight just seems to melt off and when it begins to slow and we know we are eating more it scares the * HELL * out of us because we think ohhh once again I have blown this I am almost 10 months post and down 100 pounds my begining weight was #260 my BMI somewhere around 42 I really cant remember I am 5'5 1/2 my goal is 140 I am 46 yrs old and will have the TT when I reach my personal goal of 140 My Doctor has never stated a goal relax my only suggestion to everyone which i did not take seriously until recently Walk a min of 2 miles 7 days per week i am up to a little over 3 that will continue the loss never firm up the skin but build up some muscle from the rapid loss so maybe the legs wont be so much like Jello
   — Kathleen M.

August 24, 2001
I had open VBG on 5/31/00. I'm 5'10" and started at 314 pounds. By two months post op I had lost 50 pounds. After 7 months, I was down 100 pounds. Now, 15 months out, I'm down a total of 138 pounds. I've reached and passed my doctor's goal, but not my personal goals yet. My first goal is to weigh less than my husband (only 3 more pounds to get to that) and I would like to level out at around 160 to 165 pounds.
   — BethVBG

August 24, 2001
I started at 263 (5'4", BMI around 45), and as of six months post op (VBG), I've lost 90 pounds--about 85% of my excess weight. We all lose at different rates, and I realize that for a sub-300 pounder who did <i>not</i> opt for a malabsorptive procedure, I've lost a lot more weight a lot faster than some people. That's largely because I got up and started moving about 3 hours post-op and never really stopped. The moral to the story: everyone's different, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to lose quickly, given the right combination of motivation and food choices. Good luck!
   — Suzanne B.

August 24, 2001
I had a bmi of 44 something and am now at 40. I am only at 2 weeks post op. Starting weight #269 and today #243 and 20.5 inches gone!! So thats 26 lbs in 2 weeks. Good Luck to you
   — ncgal

August 24, 2001
I started my journey on April 23. 4 months post-op. I am down 84 lbs and 50 total inches. My beginning BMI was 45.5 and I weighed 265. My BMI is now 31.2 and I weigh 181. I started out in a very tight size 22 now i can fight a snug 14. I hope that this helps you to see the loss. I have hit a few plateaus, but they did not last long and when they were over I dropped like 10 lbs quickly. Any questions, please e-mail me. [email protected]
   — Tere F.

August 24, 2001
I had surgery on 1/8/01 and have lost pretty fast. My starting weight was 263 and I am 5'2". I now weigh 146 for a total loss of 117 pounds. My surgeon is extremely impressed as I didn't have as much to lose as some. I am not doing anything special...just trying to be normal. Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 24, 2001
Do not be concerned, in a year, your extra weight will be gone. You may have many, many plateaus, I sure did -- lasting 3 and 4 weeks but the weight did drop off slowly but surely and I do NOT need a tummy tuck. I'm 45 years old. Check out my profile, Cindy H. in North Dakota for more details. You will do fine.
   — Cindy H.

August 25, 2001
I was close to your height and weight a year ago. I started out at 294 (still can't believe I can admit that!) and am 5'8". I had open RNY on 8-31-00 and now weigh 172. My doctor thinks I can loose 15 more but if I don't I'm happy where I'm at. My BMI is now 26.1 - just below ideal. I am going to need a tummy tuck so will be loosing a few more pounds of skin. Feel free to email me with any questions.
   — georgiacarol

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