I'm allergic to Tylenol and Asprin causes ears to ring

any ideas on what I'll be able to use post op for headaches. Fairly prone to sinus headahces, etc... Since Tylenol (and all products with Tylenol cause me to get hives) and Asrpin causes ear ringing I'm wondering what I'll be able to use after surgery. Any suggestions?    — Krista L. S. (posted on June 2, 2001)

June 3, 2001
Since my surgery in January, I have had no need to take anything for discomfort or pain. I used to get alot of sinus headaches, knee pain ect. I ave not had a single headache since then. Makes you wonder doesn't it? Not only is it weight loss, but it is the generally healthier lifestyle one accepts post-op.
   — [Anonymous]

March 19, 2002
I don't know how you could use this on headaches, but for general pain I use super blue stuff. I used to use advil but the surgeon said we can't take it ever again after surgery. You can get super blue stuff at It's expensive, but you only need a little and it works great.
   — tammym

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