Do I need to have someone here and I have to climb stairs, will that be a problem?

I may be alone after my dischage from the hospital. I am having trouble finding someone to stay with me. My major concern even more is the fact I have to climb 48 stairs up to my apartment. I do not have an elevator or anyone else to stay with. Will this be a problem, or do I need to seek out information about going to a Rehab hospital. Also, does insurance pay for any after care?    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 2, 2001)

June 1, 2001
I am 8 days post op today and just yesterday was able to climb the stairs (one flight) to the upstairs of my house..I was shaking when I came back was alot of exertion. Talk to your surgeon and ask his opinion. Are you having open or lap? Either way, having someone to help take care of you in the first few days home is pretty critical I think. Is there someone you could go stay with? A friend or family member who could let you recouperate at their place if they can't leave their family to come to you? At 8 days post now, my hubby is going back to work and I feel pretty confident that I can manage on my own for the day. Best of luck to you. Take care and God Bless.
   — Sharon_Cauthen

June 2, 2001
You may want to look into something like hiring a visiting nurse or maybe even check in your local newspaper to see if any certified nurses aides are looking for work where they come into your home for a hour or so each day to help you out. The visiting nurses are probably very expensive cause they are working for a company who hires them out, but a certified nurse or companion looking for work on her/his own may be the way to go financially. I know I have thought about this as well. I'm all alone too. But I have been blessed by making a friend from this website that lives only 15 minutes away and she doesnt work outside the home, so I know I can call her if I need to.
   — Karla K.

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