I am having open rny in 9 days and started my period. I noticed a couple

of clots which is common BUT got me to thinking about blood clots in general. Is this the same type of blood clot people develop after surgery? Is there anything I can preop to keep from developing blood clots? What do they do in the hospital to keep this from happening? Is there much blood loss with open rny? Thanks for all the information here and for all you great people who have answered so many of my questions. It is in my disposition to ask a lot of questions and I do!!! Thank you, Eric, for caring about us!! God bless! Please pray for me on 11/27. I am scared!    — Marilyn C. (posted on November 17, 2000)

November 16, 2000
Hi Marilyn, to put this delicately, I was on my period before, during, and after bpd/ds. It was on 10/12/00. I will be praying for you (because you are scared...but have faith...YOU are going to do great!). Also, in the hospital...WALK, walk, and more walk...okay? It reduces the chance for blood clots, also..I was made to wear (what I called space boots)...special boots that went from my feet up to, well...pretty high! *giggles* Anyway, they pumped up air and released it...over and could hear them...I actually fell asleep to the rhythm (sp?). I would be connected to them the whole time I was in bed...but if I got up they came off...(unless I went to the bathroom, then they just unhooked them from the machine). I just know you are going to do great, I have enormous, I will share it with you, okay? God bless..HE will be there with you! :-) Be thinking of you...and praying for you...Terri
   — Terri G.

November 17, 2000
One thing they did for me at the hospital was give me Heparin shots. Heparin is a blood thinner. I also got to wear the space boots. You might ask your surgeon if they plan on utilizing heparin. I had to give myself injections twice a day at home for about 10 days post op. I know it sounds awful because who wants to give themselves shots, but it was alot easier than I thought it would be and to tell you the truth I was very thankful for the extra security. Good luck, I will keep you in my prayerlist for the 27th, everything will be ok and just think about the great things you have to look forward to.
   — christine L.

November 17, 2000
The clots you notice when you have your period are not clots at all. It is the lining of the uterus that gets shed each month. Some months the lining is thicker than others; ergo, the flow is heavier. Lucky for you that you started before going in the hospital - one less thing to worry about! Good luck and prayers to you!
   — Allie B.

November 17, 2000
Oh yeah, I forgot about the heparin my belly...doesn't hurt (well, not really)...and I had them everyday! Love, Terri
   — Terri G.

November 17, 2000
Hi. Be glad you started your period pre-op, believe me trying to take care of business post-op hurts!! As noted previously, the best ways of preventing blood clots is walking, as soon and as much as possible, even with the heparin shots and "space boots", medically known as SCDs or sequential compression devices. One thing, make sure the nurses put ted hose on under the SCDs, mine didn't and I had a bad allergic reaction to the plastic. Good Luck, Donna
   — Donna G.

February 27, 2004
I have surgery in three weeks. My period is due the day after surgery. I had my period when I went for my annual exam with my OBGYN a couple of weeks ago. I have heavy clotting all the time. I asked about this. She told me that clots are simply from sitting too long. The blood is in a canal and has nowhere to go and when you get up it comes flowing out and it's in giant clots. Since this is exactly what happens to me, I was relieved because I thought of that kind of clotting relating to something more serious. She told me not to worry.
   — Deborah P.

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