Anyone NOT overweight as a child and suffer sexual abuse?

I was not overweight as a child, it began slowly around age 10. I have pictures and I was just a "normal" size. I am 337# at 33 yrs old. Almost everything I have read talks about people who were always overweight, but I deffinately was not. I did suffer sexual abuse from my father, uncle, neighbor and family friend. I'm just wondering if anyone else is like me. I've never gotten help for the....things that happened to me. I think I've blocked out thing in my childhood because I have a lot of blanks. I'm afraid that it's going to effect me when I don't have food anymore, you know, the way it used to be. I get this heavy feeling in my chest when I think about it which is almost every day now and I haven't had the surgery yet (Jan. 8). I have told a few people along the years but no one knows the guilt and disgust I really feel. Even I didn't know how much it bothered me until the last few weeks, I guess since I got surgery approval. Is that a coincidince? Thanks for listening.    — Shalee S. (posted on October 24, 2000)

October 24, 2000
Maybe now would be a good time to get some help in dealing with the abuse. It could be part of your new life....getting rid of the emotional weight along with the physical weight. One thing I am sure one who was sexually abused as a child should feel any guilt or shame about what happened. You were a child being mistreated by adults and they are responsible for what happened NOT you.
   — Nanette T.

October 24, 2000
I too suffered from sexual abuse, and was not heavy as a child. I am currently in therapy. Would love to have someone else to talk to about this! [email protected]
   — Carrie M.

October 24, 2000
Michelle, I hear you. I strongly recommend that you get into therapy and establish a relationship with a therapist before your surgery so that you have that in place to help you down this road. As the weight comes off, issues will rise to the surface that are "buried" under the safety net of fat. I would imagine that the reason this is starting to surface for you now is because the surgery and the idea of being thin and attractive is becoming more and more real to you as your surgery date approaches. I applaud your ability to post to the board and ask for the input of others - it takes real courage to stand up and "tell". I hope that you will find a professional to help you through this journey - it will be bumpy road at times. Other survivors are a good resource, but only a professional can be expected to keep their own "stuff" out of the way in order to focus on YOUR "stuff". Best of luck. I'm pulling for you!
   — BethVBG

October 24, 2000
I think you need to seek professional help ASAP. you need to address those issues before surgery. If you have the surgery and you dont have the food to hide you then you could turn to something else.
   — Lisa W.

October 24, 2000
Hi hon, I was never overweight as a child. My weight gain started in my late teens. I was sexually abused by my grandfather from the ages of 2-5. I have been in therapy off and on for 5 years now. I have been in therapy continuously now for almost 2 years. I am now 35 years old. Please, there is help available out there...take advantage of it. You can get past all that. Please take care of yourself.
   — [Anonymous]

November 5, 2000
I was "chubby" as a child but grew out of it at about 12...but then expanded in my late teens, now at 28 I am 315 lbs. I was sexually abused from approximately age 5 -11?? or so I can recall from events. YOU should not feel disgust, you did nothing. I have never seen anyone for that stuff either, I know I should but ick..I am going for my first consultation on 11/6 to find out about the gastric bypass.
   — [Anonymous]

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