Can taking anti depressants affect having surgery performed?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on January 31, 2000)

January 31, 2000
I take anti-depressants and have for years. I took mine right up to surgery, but not on my day of surgery and again the day after. I take Wellbutrin which is not as common. The only change I did make is to switch to crushable tablets for the first month after surgery. I am not sure now that that was necessary as the time released ones are much smaller and I think I could have swallowed them--I was just to scared to try. The crushed ones tasted terrible, but with applesauce and equal, I got through it. Be sure to ask your doctor to check on it for you. Good luck.
   — Dot W.

January 31, 2000
I didn't have a problem. I'd been taking Prozac prior to surgery, and have continued post-op, per Dr. instruction. It didn't seem to prejudice approval either (thank goodness).
   — Jeannette S.

January 31, 2000
I was and still am taking Zoloft. Depression is common in obese patients and shouldn't cause you to be denied. Diane Nizza
   — Diane N.

January 31, 2000
Anti-depressants CAN NOT affect you having the surgery. I was on several before my open RNY, and still had the surgery. :)
   — Krista C.

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