Would a history of bipolar and eating disorder keep me from surgery?

I am a stable bipolar (episode free and medication compliant for 3 years) who was anorexic and bulimic when I was 13 to 17 years old. WOuld these issues keep me from getting approval for surgery? I am 5'8" and 282 lbs (BMI of 42.6) with many comorbities (RA, asthma, back problems, knee pain, GERD, angina, heart palpitations, IBS and a few others.) Any thoughts on this?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on May 18, 2005)

May 18, 2005
Your psychiatrist will have to write a letter stating that you are stable with your bipolar disorder and bulimia. Each bariatric surgeon has their own requirements. They may want to see a longer time for compliance with meds and behavior. Good luck.
   — monymony

May 18, 2005
Because I had a history of "mental health intervention" because I'm OCD, my insurance required that I take the MMPI-2 test which is a personality test. Your psych can evaluate those results and use those results to show you are stable and compliant. I have the letter my psych wrote and how she used the test in her evaluation. I'd be happy to send you a copy via email if you want to read it and see how it is worded and how the test helped me. Good luck and best wishes for your approval.
   — Shayna T.

May 18, 2005
I am bipolar also. Let me just say this....I was diagnosed in Jan. 05. I have been seeing my therapist and psychiatrist on a regular basis and have followed through w/ all my treatment plans. When I took the test...I took it based on how I am w/out my meds. Do not make the same mistake. Think of each question, don't rush through it. Take the time to question yourself and be fair to yourself and answer the questions on how you are w/ meds. I did not do that and it set me back. I finally go again on the 6th of june to take the mmpi again and on the 7th for another psyche eval. I hope this helps. Good Luck. Oh by the way....since you've been treated for it that long ago, just get a letter from your psychiatrist and/or therapist that states you have been compliant in you treatment. It shouldn't be a problem for you.
   — Colleen S.

May 18, 2005
I also am bipolar, stable and medication compliant for 9 years. While I was not anorexic or bulimic, I was approved for and had my surgery in March 2003. My psychologist did my psych evaluation, and he is very knowledgeable of gastric bypass surgery. He is also a surgeon and during training he assisted in WLS.
   — Lorna R.

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