Can too much weigh loss mess up my chances of getting approved?

I am compiling my weight loss attemps for my insurance company. They wanted "Physician Supervised" diets noted. Years ago I did the Physician's Weight Loss Program and lost weigh with very good results, problem was, the minute I quit program the weight came back and plus some. Because I lost well with that diet, will showing that in my weight loss attempts worsen my chances of getting approved? (because I did lose weight)... I also took Phen-Fen and loss about 20-30 lbs., but due to the dangers of the medication I quit, ultimately gaining back weight and then some once again. HELP! I need to send this in next week.. what is the best thing to do?? Thanks for any advise I can get.. :) Have a sunny day!    — SouthernMagnolia B. (posted on July 17, 2004)

July 17, 2004
I don't think it will hurt your chances at all. The point is that you gained it back. I think most people have at one time or another lost a significant amount. Maintaining the loss is where we seem to have the problem. I had at one time lost about 80 pounds several years ago (of course I gained it back), but I was approved on the first submission. Good luck to you!
   — jennifer S.

July 17, 2004
Having gone to Physician's Weight Loss Center will not hurt your chances of getting surgery. The insurance companies mainly want to know that you've tried different diets and they have failed...Good luck
   — juju524

July 17, 2004
I don't think it's how much weight you've lost, but there more concerned about putting the weight back on. Bye
   — Geralyn

July 17, 2004
I lost 36 pounds on the 6 month required diet and was worried the same as you,however, it actually helped me get approved, showed I could adhere to a strict way of living etc. It also helped me be in better shape for surgery I feel.
   — Kathy S.

July 17, 2004
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your responses. I'll not worry another minute about the weight loss report! It's so great to have this site to come to daily. It's helped me so much ... THANK you all again!
   — SouthernMagnolia B.

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