
If i have the open RNY, will there every be a time when I can show my stomach and not have the scar be so noticable?    — Kelli K. (posted on January 14, 2004)

January 14, 2004
I guess it depends how much of your belly you want to show. My scar was (before my tummy tuck) about 1 or 1.5 inches above my belly button so you could have belly to show but even a peek at my belly is too much belly for me :)
   — Laurie B.

January 14, 2004
If your truly concerned about the scar why not get LAP, what marks will likely disappear completey. There are lots of good LAP surgeons in the carolinas.
   — Sam J.

January 14, 2004
The total length of my open scar is only 3 inches. It does show mainly because it developed a keloid over the incision area. However, it is 3 inches above my belly button. So depending on how good your surgeon is will determine how long your incision will be. Keisha 3/12/03 316/195/160
   — keishax

January 14, 2004
My surgery was open and the scar starts just below my breastbone and curves around and below my belly button. I actually like my scar..its like a trophy....I fought long and hard with my insurance for approval so I think of it as a symbol of victory!!
   — Lois B.

January 14, 2004 This is a link for a pic of my scar. I had mine done on June 3,2003. It was 9 inches long.It had faded over time.I will probably go with a 2 piece swim suit @ goal.
   — Autumn

January 14, 2004
Your scar won't ever be invisible, so if you show someone the area of your scar- yes, they'll notice it. However, my scar is the same color as the rest of my skin, so it's not shocking or anything. Also, it's only about 5 inches long and stops well above my belly button. So, I can wear hipster pants and shorter tops with no problem if I want to. Even a tankini swimsuit is fine. I would not do bikini because of the scar. (well, that's not the ONLY reason:)!) Speak to your surgeon about what he anticipates, as many surgeons vary widely. My surgeon prides himslef on a smaller incision and a plastic surgeon style close that minimized the scar.

January 15, 2004
This question always humors me. Your scar will be far prettier than the sagging skin. Even if I had a tummy tuck, the stretch marks from having kids would still be visible, making me still uncomfortable from wearing tummy bearing clothing. The scar itself will be the same color as your skin before you get to goal, don't worry about it being terribly noticable. Be more concerned about regaining your health than the pretty tummy. Just my opinion. Rebecca 10/03/01 265/140
   — RebeccaP

January 15, 2004
I do medical research and recall reviewing a paper on scars - I believe some dermatologist have some great remedies for scars that do not require additional surgery. I suppose once you are well into recovery, you should contact a dermatologist that specialize in scar repair. I once had a burn on my face and after a 1-year treatment from my dermatologist no one would ever believe I had a burn on my face.
   — Anna M.

January 15, 2004
Kelli...Hi there...Well there is something you might try for the scar. It is a cream and you can get it at a wal-mart. It is called Palmers and it is for scars and stretch marks. I have used it and it has helped fade my scar and I had an open rny. Hope this helps :=) Deb
   — Deb S.

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