back aching while standing

Hi, I am 11 days post op. For the last 4 days I have very short indurance standing. It is like a muscle pull under the shoulder blades straight across the back. If it is just the front is still sore and I can't hold it in. I had my staples and drain taken out yesterday. I wouldn't be so concerned but we are driving to our sons house tomorrow for Christmas Eve and Day and it is in another state. Thanks and Merry Christmas    — Chris B. (posted on December 23, 2003)

December 23, 2003
Hi - I don't want to be a bummer, but after my surgery (probably about the same amount of time out that you are) I began having excrutiating back pain. Often it felt as if my arms were to heavy for my shoulders and back to hold -- and I would actually PERSPIRE just from the pain of my back. If I reclined or layed down - it wouldn't hurt. Standing up hurt especially bad, sitting was almost as bad. The GOOD news is that it went away after about 6 or 7 weeks. Yes, WEEKS. It only hurts occassionally now and I haven't had to take pain meds (prescribed by dr.) for a long time now.
   — Allee Z.

December 23, 2003
Thank you so much for your answer. I can put up with it as long as I know it will go away. I'm just happy it was nothing else. Chris
   — Chris B.

December 23, 2003
Merry Christmas chris and best wishes on your new journey, YES this normal I had such bad back pain I couldnt even stand!!! It hurted so bad!!! I think to it is from the weigh all moving around to, every once in awhile I still get it but this surgery was well worth every bit of that pain. It will go away. Happy Holidays :)
   — blainejrjeni

December 24, 2003
Hi Chris - Congratulations on recent WLS! - I'm 24 days post op - and I recall the earlier part being a new ache or pain each day - however, now I'm pain free - each day is different, but better. One thing I did do was purchase a stomach binder, which helps the back also esp. for long drives - it made a world of difference - a high waist girdle will do if also or a binder from your local drug store for about 18.99. Good Luck and Happy Holidays
   — Anna M.

December 24, 2003
Hi, I am almost 3 weeks post op and I had the same feelings. I thought geez this kinda sucks but then one day I felt that way and I woke up next and it was pretty much gone. Every day gets a bit easier. Now at 20 days post op I am feeling great. Good luck and Merry Christmas.
   — victoria W.

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