Can anyone describe what having a blood clot in your legs feels like?

I had a venous doppler (checked for clots.) None were found. They did state that I had a slow flow which can actually be the makings of a clot. Now I have two knots that have appeared on my lower leg. They dont hurt but I get a tightening sensation sometimes when I am laying down for bed. The nurse left a message that if I feel it has gotten worse to go to the ER. I dont wont to over-react but I am just going to start doing some intentional excercises. But I have NO PAIN. Just need some feedback as far as what it would feel like.    — SlimTrina (posted on December 6, 2003)

December 6, 2003
I've never had a clot but I've been given the signs to watch for several times. If the area is red and hot to the touch then you should notify someone immediately. If there is no pain or any of these other signs I wouldn't worry too much just yet. But by all means go to the ER if you just aren't comfortable. It could just be the muscles in your legs knotting. Again, though, if you aren't comfortable, go to the hospital; better safe than sorry. Take care and good luck. Pam
   — Pambylah

December 6, 2003
S.T.: After having dealt with my Mom having blood clots after a hysterectomy, I know that you need to either get to the ER or call your family doctor. You could possibly need to be on a blood thinner. The bad thing about blood clots is that they can move to vital organs and be fatal. I am not trying to scare you, but you need to check this out for your health's sake.
   — Judy P.

December 6, 2003
I have had a few blood clots in my legs. At first it felt kind of like a tingly feeling. Then it swelled up and got red. That's from the blood being able to go into your leg, but not leave. I have had a blood clot that did not hurt at all, so pain isn't always a good indicator. If you do have slow moving blood, that is a big worry for developing blood clots. That's how mine has developed. I would suggest you go to the ER if you're worried about clots since they could go to a lung and possibly be fatal. They'll do some blood work and do an ultrasound on your leg. It's TOTALLY better to be safe than sorry!!! Good luck!
   — blueeyedrdhed

December 6, 2003
My Mom had a blood clot in her leg. She did'nt know what was wrong but her leg hurt bad for several weeks. It made walking difficult. It went to her lungs and gave her a lung disease called Pulmonary Hypertention. Sucks for a non smoker to get a lung disease just because of a blood clot. When in doubt, do NOT take any chances.
   — Danmark

December 6, 2003
CALL YOUR PCP OR GO TO THE ER IMMEDIATELY! It always concerns me when seeing posts like these. Dont risk your life get checked immediately!
   — bob-haller

December 6, 2003
Sounds like you may have some problems...Go to the E.R. before you do any exercises and have it checked out. Don't worry about over reacting worry about you. Good luck!
   — Fancy

December 6, 2003
Several answers were correct. Let me put it into perspective for you. In summer 1999 I noticed my leg and foot swelling somewhat. We ran some tests and was about to do an ultrasound and then in early September I got a pulmonary embolus, a blood clot that traveled from the leg to a lung. I was short of breath, went to the ER they did some tests, and admitted me. I was put on Heparin (an IV/injectible blood thinner) in the hospital, then was put on only Coumadin (also known as Warfarin), an oral blood thinner. The blood thinners were designed to thin out the blood (Duh!!) meaning (hopefully) no more blood clots. Well!! I needed to get a lab test done about every 2-4 weeks and sometimes, depending upon what I ate and some other factors, I needed to have a specialist tell me to adjust the dosage. In Feb 2000, it was determined that I was okay and they took me off the coumadin. In April 2000, I had the same symptoms and it was found I had another embolus, causing me to go back on Coumadin, and as per my HMO's protocol, I went back on to it for life, since I now tend to get the embolisms. I have been okay since then. My point is, I could have died at least 3 times between 1999 and today, and two of them were because of the embolism. So....get thee to an ER asap, lest you end up DEAD.
   — John O.

December 6, 2003
Hey, I had a blood clot develop back in 1995 7mths after I had my son, I had a feeling like a pulled muscle, and it just continued to get worse. The pain became unbearable. I went to an ER and they told me I had to go get an ultrasound done the next day (that dept was closed for the night...believe it)....well I had trouble with my primary because he said that I was too young to have a blood clot and didn't believe me. I called my insurance company crying because i was in so much pain, they gave me a referral to a radiology place, blood clots all up and down my leg, I was in the hospital for a week on heparing drip and then coumadin for 8mths. After surgery (10-23-03) the next day I felt a twinge in my leg, I thought that it was the beginning of a clot, I said something to my nurse and was ignored. The next day it felt more crampy like a muscle kind of cramp and I said something to the docs, they put me on heparin drip and took me for a cat scan, well I had bilateral pulmonary embolisms by then. In two days! So that extended my hospital stay, I was on heparin and am on coumadin again. You should get it checked out, the test is painless and worth it. the alternative is to continue to suffer and possibly die if it is an embolism. Okay, I'll say a prayer for you. I hope it all comes out okay. Maybe you just have a potassium deficiency, please call your doc. Lisa hackenburg (postop 10-23-03 331/288/141?)
   — Lisa H.

December 7, 2003
I am the person who posed this question. I went to the ER they did a blood test they stated I had blood clots. They then did another Venous doppler and found none were in arteries that would travel to my heart or lungs. (They ran the scope from the inside of an ankle to the inner part of my pelvis.) They believe that the are SUPERFICIAL. Meaning not causing harm. Like a VERICOSE?vEIN gone mad. Told me to elevate it and use warm compresses. Thanks to all who prayed an responded. I have to say I got the best not sleep I have gotten since the before the surgery. To anyone who is uncertain. Have my misery was the not knowing. Slim Trina Goodnight.
   — SlimTrina

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